
À propos de moi

Information développeur
Nom Anon4407
Utilisateur depuis déc. 24, 2018
Nombre de modules développés 0 modules
Moyenne des notes des modules du développeur Pas encore évalué

Mes critiques

MRC Compose

Noté 5 sur 5 étoiles

Thank you so much for updating this to work with TB68. Until it was available, TB68 was unfit for purpose & so I was stuck with an older version. It is crazy that such a basic vital usability feature as being able to see, copy & paste a row of email addresses like in virtually every other email program for over 30 years has taken so long to be available as standard in Thunderbird. Without your work there would probably have been far fewer users willing to move over to Thunderbird.

Cet utilisateur a une critique précédente de ce module.

MRC Compose

Noté 5 sur 5 étoiles

A vital plug-in to provide the crazily missing feature of Thunderbird of a normal simple-to-use practical address box that can take a list of addresses pasted in. Without it I would have considered Thunderbird not fit purpose rather than my main email client. Thank you for providing it.

Cette critique concerne une version précédente du module (1.9.0).