Critiques pour Privacy Settings
Privacy Settings par Jeremy Schomery
4 notes
- Noté 2 sur 5par The Voice Inside Your Head, il y a 7 ansMAJOR PROBLEM. "websites.firstPartyIsolate" "websites.resistFingerprinting" must be disabled in order for other addons to function and also to be able to install many other addons. I'm running FireFox 59. In running PrivacySettings in "Full Privacy" mode, I can't install other add-ons because it thinks I am running only FF 52 [websites.firstPartyIsolate websites.resistFingerprinting enabled]. I then reset PrivacySettings to "Reset to Defaults" then reloading the add-on page, then everything is OK, I can install new addon. Otherwise, I love the idea that you have.
- Noté 2 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 13525205 de Firefox, il y a 7 ansLost all of its core functions and became dumb down version of the Gecko Based Version...
Still useful on ESR Gecko Firefox 52 w/c is still supported till summer of 2018/ next ESR becomes another Quantum/chrome wannabe crap so better move on to forks like Waterfox, Palemoon(Basilisk/Goanna)..
Otherwise unbeneficial as dumb down chrome extension... - Noté 2 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 13537226 de Firefox, il y a 7 ansDell'ottima estensione che era è rimasto solo il nome. Le possibilità di configurazione sono veramente minime. Sono molto deluso. Se questo è il futuro delle estensioni di firefox meglio lasciar perdere.
- Noté 2 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 13506751 de Firefox, il y a 7 ansPlease go back to where you had all the configs listed