Arvosteltu: 3/5 tähteä

I used this addon before tb68. After update this addon has been disabled, after version 3.1 it enabled again. BUT it not work, I can't see any DKIM messages, and settings page missed too. Reinstalling not help.
console log says this addon not start cause of:
1597741731873 addons.webextension.dkim_verifier@pl WARN Loading extension 'dkim_verifier@pl': Reading manifest: Warning processing legacy: An unexpected property was found in the WebExtension manifest.
I delete addon, opened addons tab, searched 'dkim'. I can-not install this addon from web - "this addon not compatable with your TB" I have actual TB version 78.1.1, wtf?

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (3.1.0). 

Version 3.x.x is not compatible with TB 78. A compatible version is in progress, but not finished yet.

You can get a pre-release that should work with TB 78 from

The progress to finalize the release is tracked at

Next time please don't use the reviews to report problems. Use or write me an E-Mail (in English or German).
See also