Theater Mode for YouTube™ (YouTube Wide Screen) tekijä James Fray
Force YouTube to open in its player in the theater mode
Tarvitset Firefoxin käyttääksesi tätä laajennusta
Laajennuksen metatiedot

Tietoja tästä laajennuksesta
This extension enables YouTube to default to theater mode for the player, even if you're not logged in. If you prefer the default mode, you can easily switch back by clicking the button in the player or using the "KeyT" shortcut. However, the next time you visit, the player will automatically be in theater mode again. The extension doesn't offer any configurable options; it functions seamlessly. It's important to note that the theater mode activated by the extension is authentic and not achieved through CSS or JS tricks; it uses YouTube's actual theater mode.
To use this feature in incognito mode, you must allow the extension to be active in this mode.
How does the extension work?
The extension employs two methods to ensure the player is in theater mode:
1. It sets the relevant cookie on each visit.
2. It triggers the necessary button press when the player loads.
For reporting any bugs, please use the discussion section found at:
--- My YouTube Enhancer Extensions:
To use this feature in incognito mode, you must allow the extension to be active in this mode.
How does the extension work?
The extension employs two methods to ensure the player is in theater mode:
1. It sets the relevant cookie on each visit.
2. It triggers the necessary button press when the player loads.
For reporting any bugs, please use the discussion section found at:
--- My YouTube Enhancer Extensions:
- YouTube use Flash Player
- YouTube in HD (720p, 1080p, 1440p, 2160p)
- YouTube no Annotations
- YouTube no Buffer (no autoplay)
- YouTube Stop AutoPlay Next
- YouTube toggle Flash and HTML
- YouTube Player AdBlocker
- YouTube auto Pause and Resume
- YouTube™ Stop Button
- Theater Mode for YouTube (YouTube Wide Screen)
- ---
Note: After installation, the FAQs page of the extension opens once. This page has Google Analytics code. For more info please visit "Privacy Policy" section.
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Tue tätä kehittäjää
Tämän laajennuksen kehittäjä pyytää taloudellista tukeasi laajennuksen kehityksen jatkamiseksi.
OikeudetLue lisää
Tämä lisäosa vaatii seuraavat oikeudet:
- Pääsy tietoihisi sivustolla www.youtube.com
- Lisäosan linkit
- Versio
- 0.2.4
- Koko
- 50,56 kt
- Viimeksi päivitetty
- kaksi kuukautta sitten (23. joulu 2024)
- Liittyvät luokat
- Lisenssi
- Mozillan julkinen lisenssi 2.0 (MPL)
- Tietosuojakäytäntö
- Lue tämän lisäosan tietosuojakäytäntö
- Versiohistoria
- Tunnisteet
Lisää kokoelmaan
Lisää laajennuksia tekijältä James Fray
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