Extract 'Em! bertsioaren historia

5 bertsio

Argi ibili bertsio zaharrekin!

Bertsio hauek erreferentzia gisa eta probetarako bistaratzen dira. Gehigarrien azken bertsioa erabili behar zenuke beti.

1.3.1 bertsioa 272.7 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 102.0 and later

- Added the ability to generate/save an extraction report (.html) following execution
- Added localization for Hungarian (courtesy of user Óvári)
- Fixed bug causing silent mode to fail

1.2.1 bertsioa 264.1 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 102.0 and later

What's New
- Added option for extracting embedded (inline-attached) images
- Added new version notification (automatic display of Release Notes) upon new version release
- Added permanent detach option (Thunderbird version 123 or later required)
- Added identification of detached and deleted attachments

- Removed recursive extraction (extracting attachments within email [.eml] files which themselves are attachments)
- Switched to zip.js library (from jszip) to mitigate an intermittent memory issue

1.1.2 bertsioa 245.4 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 102.0 and later

Splits the extraction results into multiple .zip files if the cumulative size of the selected attachments exceeds ~750MB. The user is prompted for the filename/location for each of the resultant .zip files.

1.1.1 bertsioa 236.4 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 102.0 and later

Added resources in support of future localization (international languages).

1.0.2 bertsioa 228.8 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 102.0 and later

Fixed minor case switch error regarding attachment grouping.