Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Instructions on the wiki state to access "settings" via the right side of Google Calendar, but of course Google's gone and changed things around again, so I couldn't find the XML button in the main calendar settings page.

I found the XML button by clicking on the DOWN button - next to my calendar's name (in the left portion of Google calendar), then clicking on Calendar Settings. I chose the 2nd XML button, since my calendar is not public.

After re-adding a new Google calendar to TB, using the new 4th radio button, then entering my Google PW, I tested by adding an event to my Google calender *on* TB, reloaded remote calenders from TB, then reloaded my Google calendar in the browser, and my test event was there in the browser too, YAY!

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.9).