YouTube Livestreams Theater Mode by NaPaliGhost
Improves the viewing experience of YouTube livestreams and premiers with an enhanced theater mode, including features like moving chat to the left side or on top of the video.
You'll need Firefox to use this extension
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About this extension
Adds an enhanced theater mode to YouTube livestreams with the following features:
- display chat next to the video
- move chat to the left side
- show chat on top of the video
- hide or popout chat
- display livestream information (title, view count, description, ...) without leaving theater mode
Available settings:
- force dark theme in theater mode
- show YouTube header while in livestreams theater mode
- chat width (next to video)
- chat width (over video)
- chat over video margin top & bottom
- display livestream information on hover over the video / info-icon
- overlay and chat over video background opacity
- show overlay text shadows
- default chat side and mode
- automatically enter livestreams theater mode (live & replay)
- shortcut to toggle livestreams theater mode
Chat customization options:
- default chat (top chat / live chat)
- colored usernames
- hide profile pictures
- hide live reactions
- super chat currency converter: adds the converted currency under / next to the original currency, shows the name of the original currency on hover
Other features:
- display obvious hint when the video is behind on a livestream
- storage permission is needed to save settings
- optional host permission for 'napalighost.com' is needed when super chat currency converter is turned on
Other browsers:
- available as a Google Chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/youtube-livestreams-theat/cmjhejfkhdonjimgkinjdombabgfbcal
- display chat next to the video
- move chat to the left side
- show chat on top of the video
- hide or popout chat
- display livestream information (title, view count, description, ...) without leaving theater mode
Available settings:
- force dark theme in theater mode
- show YouTube header while in livestreams theater mode
- chat width (next to video)
- chat width (over video)
- chat over video margin top & bottom
- display livestream information on hover over the video / info-icon
- overlay and chat over video background opacity
- show overlay text shadows
- default chat side and mode
- automatically enter livestreams theater mode (live & replay)
- shortcut to toggle livestreams theater mode
Chat customization options:
- default chat (top chat / live chat)
- colored usernames
- hide profile pictures
- hide live reactions
- super chat currency converter: adds the converted currency under / next to the original currency, shows the name of the original currency on hover
Other features:
- display obvious hint when the video is behind on a livestream
- storage permission is needed to save settings
- optional host permission for 'napalighost.com' is needed when super chat currency converter is turned on
Other browsers:
- available as a Google Chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/youtube-livestreams-theat/cmjhejfkhdonjimgkinjdombabgfbcal
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PermissionsLearn more
This add-on needs to:
- Access your data for sites in the youtube.com domain
This add-on may also ask to:
- Access your data for sites in the napalighost.com domain
More information
- Add-on Links
- Version
- 4.1.1
- Size
- 46.21 KB
- Last updated
- a year ago (Mar 2, 2024)
- Related Categories
- License
- All Rights Reserved
- Version History
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