Paid Content Alert by Jan Richter
Get notified when you are about to read just a snippet of an paid article with paid content. No more surprises.
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Don't waste your time.
Get notified ahead when you are about to read just a snippet of an article with paid content or within premium/subscribe only/paywall section.
Every page is automatically checked and red notification is displayed when paid content appears. No more surprises in the middle of an article.
-- NEW VERSION brings support for over 100 news websites from all over the World! --
Supported news, magazine websites right now:
-- English --
- The Wall Street Journal (wsj.com)
- The Times (times.co.uk)
- The Telegraph (telegraph.co.uk)
- Investor's Business Daily (investors.com)
- irishtimes.com
- kyivpost.com
- haaretz.com
- pressandjournal.co.uk
- barrons.com
- time.com
- foreignaffairs.com
- independent.ie
-- Czech --
- Digizone (digizone.cz)
- Reportér magazín (reportermagazin.cz)
- dTest (dtest.cz)
- Psychologie.cz
- MontyRich (montyrich.cz)
- Echo24 (echo24.cz)
- Magazín 067 (067.cz)
- ekonom.ihned.cz
- Deník (denik.cz)
- Deník N (denikn.cz)
- Živě (zive.cz)
- Ekonom (ekonom.cz)
- Denník N (dennikn.sk)
-- German --
- WELT (welt.de)
- Bild (bild.de)
- zeit.de
- spiegel.de
- thueringer-allgemeine.de
- haz.de
- freiepresse.de
- handelsblatt.com
- faz.net
-- French --
- lefigaro.fr
- lexpress.fr
- mediapart.fr
- lepoint.fr
- nouvelobs.com
- sudouest.fr
- ouest-france.fr
- letelegramme.fr
- ledauphine.com
- lavoixdunord.fr
- dna.fr
- lesechos.fr
- lemonde.fr
- humanite.fr
-- Brazilian --
- valor.com.br
- folha.uol.com.br
-- Polish --
- polityka.pl
- newsweek.pl
- gazetapolska.pl
- gloswielkopolski.pl
- kurierlubelski.pl
- dziennikzachodni.pl
- dzienniklodzki.pl
- dziennikbaltycki.pl
- gs24.pl
- pomorska.pl
- gazetalubuska.pl
- expressilustrowany.pl
- echodnia.eu
- pb.pl
- gazetaprawna.pl
- wyborcza.pl
-- Italian --
- espresso.repubblica.it
-- Finnish --
- ts.fi
- savonsanomat.fi
- karjalainen.fi
- ilkka.fi
- hbl.fi
- ess.fi
- summa.talentum.fi
- iltalehti.fi
- is.fi
- hs.fi
-- Norwegian --
- fvn.no
- krsby.no
- bt.no
- vg.no
- dagbladet.no
- aftenposten.no
-- Danish --
- politiken.dk
- information.dk
- kristeligt-dagblad.dk
- jyllands-posten.dk
- mediawatch.dk
- energiwatch.dk
- fodevarewatch.dk
- medwatch.dk
- finanswatch.dk
- ejendomswatch.dk
- shippingwatch.dk
- finans.dk
- business.dk
- b.dk
- and more will come!
Want to add some more that are not listed here? Let me know and help other readers.
Get notified ahead when you are about to read just a snippet of an article with paid content or within premium/subscribe only/paywall section.
Every page is automatically checked and red notification is displayed when paid content appears. No more surprises in the middle of an article.
-- NEW VERSION brings support for over 100 news websites from all over the World! --
Supported news, magazine websites right now:
-- English --
- The Wall Street Journal (wsj.com)
- The Times (times.co.uk)
- The Telegraph (telegraph.co.uk)
- Investor's Business Daily (investors.com)
- irishtimes.com
- kyivpost.com
- haaretz.com
- pressandjournal.co.uk
- barrons.com
- time.com
- foreignaffairs.com
- independent.ie
-- Czech --
- Digizone (digizone.cz)
- Reportér magazín (reportermagazin.cz)
- dTest (dtest.cz)
- Psychologie.cz
- MontyRich (montyrich.cz)
- Echo24 (echo24.cz)
- Magazín 067 (067.cz)
- ekonom.ihned.cz
- Deník (denik.cz)
- Deník N (denikn.cz)
- Živě (zive.cz)
- Ekonom (ekonom.cz)
- Denník N (dennikn.sk)
-- German --
- WELT (welt.de)
- Bild (bild.de)
- zeit.de
- spiegel.de
- thueringer-allgemeine.de
- haz.de
- freiepresse.de
- handelsblatt.com
- faz.net
-- French --
- lefigaro.fr
- lexpress.fr
- mediapart.fr
- lepoint.fr
- nouvelobs.com
- sudouest.fr
- ouest-france.fr
- letelegramme.fr
- ledauphine.com
- lavoixdunord.fr
- dna.fr
- lesechos.fr
- lemonde.fr
- humanite.fr
-- Brazilian --
- valor.com.br
- folha.uol.com.br
-- Polish --
- polityka.pl
- newsweek.pl
- gazetapolska.pl
- gloswielkopolski.pl
- kurierlubelski.pl
- dziennikzachodni.pl
- dzienniklodzki.pl
- dziennikbaltycki.pl
- gs24.pl
- pomorska.pl
- gazetalubuska.pl
- expressilustrowany.pl
- echodnia.eu
- pb.pl
- gazetaprawna.pl
- wyborcza.pl
-- Italian --
- espresso.repubblica.it
-- Finnish --
- ts.fi
- savonsanomat.fi
- karjalainen.fi
- ilkka.fi
- hbl.fi
- ess.fi
- summa.talentum.fi
- iltalehti.fi
- is.fi
- hs.fi
-- Norwegian --
- fvn.no
- krsby.no
- bt.no
- vg.no
- dagbladet.no
- aftenposten.no
-- Danish --
- politiken.dk
- information.dk
- kristeligt-dagblad.dk
- jyllands-posten.dk
- mediawatch.dk
- energiwatch.dk
- fodevarewatch.dk
- medwatch.dk
- finanswatch.dk
- ejendomswatch.dk
- shippingwatch.dk
- finans.dk
- business.dk
- b.dk
- and more will come!
Want to add some more that are not listed here? Let me know and help other readers.
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This add-on needs to:
- Access your data for sites in the digizone.cz domain
- Access your data for sites in the wsj.com domain
- Access your data for sites in the thetimes.co.uk domain
- Access your data for sites in the welt.de domain
- Access your data for sites in the reportermagazin.cz domain
- Access your data for sites in the bild.de domain
- Access your data for sites in the dtest.cz domain
- Access your data for sites in the psychologie.cz domain
- Access your data for sites in the montyrich.cz domain
- Access your data for sites in the echo24.cz domain
- Access your data for sites in the 067.cz domain
- Access your data for sites in the telegraph.co.uk domain
- Access your data for sites in the investors.com domain
- Access your data for sites in the e15.cz domain
- Access your data for sites in the irishtimes.com domain
- Access your data for sites in the valor.com.br domain
- Access your data for sites in the kyivpost.com domain
- Access your data for sites in the haaretz.com domain
- Access your data for sites in the theaustralian.com.au domain
- Access your data for sites in the lefigaro.fr domain
- Access your data for sites in the folha.uol.com.br domain
- Access your data for sites in the ekonom.ihned.cz domain
- Access your data for sites in the archiv.ihned.cz domain
- Access your data for sites in the lexpress.fr domain
- Access your data for sites in the mediapart.fr domain
- Access your data for sites in the pressandjournal.co.uk domain
- Access your data for sites in the polityka.pl domain
- Access your data for sites in the newsweek.pl domain
- Access your data for sites in the gazetapolska.pl domain
- Access your data for sites in the gloswielkopolski.pl domain
- Access your data for sites in the kurierlubelski.pl domain
- Access your data for sites in the dziennikzachodni.pl domain
- Access your data for sites in the dzienniklodzki.pl domain
- Access your data for sites in the dziennikbaltycki.pl domain
- Access your data for sites in the gs24.pl domain
- Access your data for sites in the pomorska.pl domain
- Access your data for sites in the gazetalubuska.pl domain
- Access your data for sites in the expressilustrowany.pl domain
- Access your data for sites in the plus.echodnia.eu domain
- Access your data for sites in the pb.pl domain
- Access your data for sites in the gazetaprawna.pl domain
- Access your data for sites in the wyborcza.pl domain
- Access your data for sites in the espresso.repubblica.it domain
- Access your data for sites in the zeit.de domain
- Access your data for sites in the spiegel.de domain
- Access your data for sites in the thueringer-allgemeine.de domain
- Access your data for sites in the haz.de domain
- Access your data for sites in the freiepresse.de domain
- Access your data for sites in the handelsblatt.com domain
- Access your data for sites in the sueddeutsche.de domain
- Access your data for sites in the plus.faz.net domain
- Access your data for sites in the lepoint.fr domain
- Access your data for sites in the nouvelobs.com domain
- Access your data for sites in the sudouest.fr domain
- Access your data for sites in the ouest-france.fr domain
- Access your data for sites in the letelegramme.fr domain
- Access your data for sites in the ledauphine.com domain
- Access your data for sites in the lavoixdunord.fr domain
- Access your data for sites in the dna.fr domain
- Access your data for sites in the lesechos.fr domain
- Access your data for sites in the lemonde.fr domain
- Access your data for sites in the humanite.fr domain
- Access your data for sites in the ts.fi domain
- Access your data for sites in the savonsanomat.fi domain
- Access your data for sites in the karjalainen.fi domain
- Access your data for sites in the ilkka.fi domain
- Access your data for sites in the hbl.fi domain
- Access your data for sites in the ess.fi domain
- Access your data for sites in the summa.talentum.fi domain
- Access your data for sites in the plus.iltalehti.fi domain
- Access your data for sites in the is.fi domain
- Access your data for sites in the hs.fi domain
- Access your data for sites in the fvn.no domain
- Access your data for sites in the krsby.no domain
- Access your data for sites in the aftenposten.no domain
- Access your data for sites in the dagbladet.no domain
- Access your data for sites in the pluss.vg.no domain
- Access your data for sites in the bt.no domain
- Access your data for sites in the foreignaffairs.com domain
- Access your data for sites in the content.time.com domain
- Access your data for sites in the barrons.com domain
- Access your data for sites in the politiken.dk domain
- Access your data for sites in the information.dk domain
- Access your data for sites in the kristeligt-dagblad.dk domain
- Access your data for sites in the jyllands-posten.dk domain
- Access your data for sites in the mediawatch.dk domain
- Access your data for sites in the energiwatch.dk domain
- Access your data for sites in the fodevarewatch.dk domain
- Access your data for sites in the medwatch.dk domain
- Access your data for sites in the finanswatch.dk domain
- Access your data for sites in the ejendomswatch.dk domain
- Access your data for sites in the shippingwatch.dk domain
- Access your data for sites in the finans.dk domain
- Access your data for sites in the business.dk domain
- Access your data for sites in the berlingske.dk domain
- Access your data for sites in the idnes.cz domain
- Access your data for sites in the denikn.cz domain
- Access your data for sites in the dennikn.sk domain
- Access your data for sites in the lvz.de domain
- Access your data for sites in the denik.cz domain
- Access your data for sites in the independent.ie domain
- Access your data for sites in the zive.cz domain
- Access your data for sites in the firstclass.cz domain
- Access your data for sites in the refresher.cz domain
- Access your data for sites in the ekonom.cz domain
More information
- Add-on Links
- Version
- 0.3.78
- Size
- 21.44 KB
- Last updated
- 4 years ago (Nov 8, 2020)
- Related Categories
- License
- Mozilla Public License 2.0
- Version History
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