FlashVim by markbuild
Flashvim is a browser extension which provides keyboard shortcuts for navigation and control in the spirit of the Vim editor.
You'll need Firefox to use this extension
Extension Metadata
About this extension
Flashvim Homepage
Navigating the current page:
Manipulating tabs:
Navigating to new pages:
Additional advanced browsing commands:
Translate commands:
ESC / ctrl-c ---------- will clear any commands and will also exit insert modes.
F4 ---------- disable/enable Flashvim on the domain of current page
Navigating the current page:
:help ---------- view Help Information
j ---------- Scroll down
k ---------- Scroll up
h or ← ---------- Follow the link labeled 'previous' or '<'. Helpful for browsing paginated sites.
l or → ---------- Follow the link labeled 'next' or '>'. Helpful for browsing paginated sites.
gg ---------- Scroll to top of the page
G ---------- Scroll to bottom of the page
:e<Enter> ---------- Reload current page
Manipulating tabs:
gT ---------- Go to next tab
gt ---------- Go to previous tab
1gt ---------- Go to the first tab
{i}gt ---------- Go to tab in position {i}
:tabnew<Enter> ---------- Open a new tab
:q<Enter> ---------- Close current tab
:qa<Enter> ---------- Close all tabs
:tabm {i}<Enter> ---------- Move the current tab page to after tab page {i}.
Navigating to new pages:
b ---------- Label model, show label IDs(ESC/Ctrl-C exit)
.{i}' ---------- Open the link which label ID is {i} in a new tab
.{i}; ---------- Click the element which label ID is {i}
.{key}<Enter> ---------- Open the link which you stored in the linkmap by keyword
'domain.com ---------- <Enter>Open domain.com in new tab
;domain.com ---------- <Enter>Open domain.com in current tab
Additional advanced browsing commands:
/ or ? ---------- Focus on the search input box
:w ---------- Trigger save button
x ---------- Delete the characters selected by cursor
dd ---------- Delete the block selected by cursor
:se img!<Enter> ---------- Hide all the images
:se img<Enter> ---------- Cancel Hide all the images
:se fs<Enter> ---------- Display full screen
:se fs!<Enter> ---------- Exit full screen
:!date<Enter> ---------- Display the Date and Time
:rmifr<Enter> ---------- Remove all iframes(ads)
:fetchimg<Enter> ---------- Display all the big original images on the bottom of the page
Translate commands:
:tc<Enter> ---------- Translate to 中文
:te<Enter> ---------- Translate to English
:tf<Enter> ---------- Translate to Français
:tj<Enter> ---------- Translate to 日本語
:tk<Enter> ---------- Translate to 한국어
:tp<Enter> ---------- Translate to Português
:tr<Enter> ---------- Translate to Русский
:ts<Enter> ---------- Translate to Español
ESC / ctrl-c ---------- will clear any commands and will also exit insert modes.
F4 ---------- disable/enable Flashvim on the domain of current page
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This add-on needs to:
- Access your data for all websites
More information
- Add-on Links
- Version
- 1.23.4
- Size
- 39.3 KB
- Last updated
- 2 years ago (Apr 1, 2023)
- Related Categories
- License
- Mozilla Public License 2.0
- Version History
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Release notes for 1.23.4
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