AO3 Kudos-Hits Calculator
Extension to add kudos-per-hits ratio to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
134 users
SmmBox is a tool for SMM
SmmBox is the quickest tool that will help to fill a group of popular content.
118 users
Quality of RWTH
Makes RWTH websites more enjoyable
117 users
Facility for providing keyboard built-in to a web page.
115 users
Komica Fix
113 users
Tildes ReExtended
The principal enhancement suite for Tildes.
100 users
Copy all text, without any restrictions
98 users
Smart Tab Sorter
Smart Tab Sorter enhances tab management and organization by providing intelligent sorting and grouping options for open tabs in the web browser.
95 users
[ALPHA VERSION/RELEASE] Neglect the certain features used by youtube and vimeo that prevent play videos in background released to MOZ vault to adapt the workflow of new releases in the store.
95 users
Firefox extension which can import media from various sites (e.g. gelbooru/pixiv/zerochan) into a szurubooru instance.
81 users
eBird enhancements
Enhancements for the eBird web interface.
79 users
Proxy Manager
The 'Proxy Manager' extension allows you to quickly and easily manage your browser's proxy settings
73 users
Brandrecord is a tool to save screenshots during the session and the url related to the screenshots.
72 users
default_playback_speed mk
This is an add-on that allows you to modify the initial playback speed of your video player. It is compatible with several video streaming platforms.
71 users
网易云音乐云盘管理,支持删除和上传本地音乐至网易云盘 网易云音乐Mac版 3.x 已经原生支持上传了,此插件没有意义了,江湖再见~
71 users
Blocks specific pages and URLs with the click of a button
70 users
Changes and misspells all text on websites to make it seem like it was written by a "bimbo".
70 users
Default links not to be underlined
Restores non-underlined hyperlinks by default (setting text-decoration: none).
69 users
Colab Autorun and Connect
Automatically connect, reconnect and optionally run the first cell of notebooks in Google Colab.
69 users
Gender Simplifier
An addon that removes german gender forms for better readability.
65 users
All-Inclusive CRM
Наш Mozilla Firefox Plugin интегрируется с онлайн-кабинетами и поиском всех туроператоров Украины, Казахстана и стран Балтии
63 users
OMOcaptcha: Auto solve captcha
Auto solve captcha
61 users
Zen Highlight: Highlight webpage faster
Highlight with one click. Just select text and it'll be highlighted. Copy all highlights to export into you own notebook. Free, unlimited highlights. No sign-up required.
59 users
Short URL app is a fast, reliable and free service to reduce a long URL. Use our app to shorten a long URL for sharing.
57 users
Web VideoMark
Web VideoMark は動画配信サービス視聴時にビットレートや解像度、通信量、通信速度、途切れなく滑らかに再生されているかなど、動画再生と通信の品質情報を記録します。一部のサービスでは 1〜5 のスコアとして体感品質値を表示したり、解像度やビットレートの上限を設定して通信量を節約したり、ネットワーク帯域確保のため混雑時間帯に自動で画質調整する機能も備えています。
57 users