Privacy policy for Windscribe - Free VPN and Ad Blocker
Windscribe - Free VPN and Ad Blocker by Windscribe
When You Visit Our Website
We do not use any 3rd party tracking or analytics services, so your activity on this website stays with us (and your ISP). We use open source Piwik web analytics platform to measure usage on our website, which is hosted on our servers. Piwik is used to analyze in aggregate information about our website visitors. When your web browser loads a page on our site, a small snippet of JavaScript code is executed within your browser which submits information such as your browser user-agent, language, screen resolution, referring website, and a subset of your IP address (first 3 octets). We may set cookies if you were referred to us through our affiliate program in order to compensate the person who referred you, if you choose to sign up. The affiliate does not see any of this information.
When You Sign Up
We only require a username and password when you signup to our service. Email can be provided if you wish to be able to recover your password in case you forget it, as well as receive periodic service updates. We use 3rd party payment processors. When you pay for a premium account, we store the transaction ID of your payment for a period of 30 days for fraud prevention purposes. Bitcoin payment details are instantly discarded after being confirmed.
When You Use Our Service
We store total amount of bandwidth your account has consumed in 1 month period, which is reset every month on the day of your registration. This is used to enforce free tier limitations as well as prevent abuse. We do not store historical usage. We also store a timestamp of your last activity on the Windscribe network, this is done to weed out inactive accounts. We do not store connection logs, IP timestamps, or sites you visit (we are firm believer that one's browsing history should be taken to one's grave).
When You Are Actively Connected to a Server
For the duration of your connection we store the following data in a temporary location: OpenVPN username, VPN server connected to, time of connection, amount of data transferred during the session. This data expires and is discarded within 3 minutes of session termination.
When You Leave
If for some strange reason you decide not to use our service anymore, the only piece of information that will remain is your username, password and email address (if you provided it). We periodically prune inactive accounts. You can request your account to be deleted by sending us a support ticket.
User Data Requests
Since we store the bare minimum for a customer to actually use our service, any request for user data would yield nothing of value. We do not store any logs on who used what IP address, so we cannot tie user activity to any single user.
Changes to Policy
We will do our best to avoid any changes, which includes moving the company to a different jurisdiction. If drastic policy changes are required due to a race of giant spiders enslaving all of humanity and forcing us to log our users under the threat of consumption, and we cannot continue providing service under the above mentioned terms, users (with valid email accounts) will be notified. That will be the least of your concern however, you know, because of the giant spiders.