Bewertungen für Handy Screenshot
Handy Screenshot von Taining
7 Bewertungen
- Bewertet mit 3 von 5 Sternenvon Firefox-Benutzer 13861537, vor 3 MonatenFunktioniert nicht gut. Oben wird immer ein Teil abgeschnitten. Habe es mehrmals versucht. Egal ob per Hand oder Fullscreen (F).
- Bewertet mit 3 von 5 Sternenvon Firefox-Benutzer 17613721, vor einem JahrCan't take a screenshot of open dropdown menu options.
- Bewertet mit 3 von 5 Sternenvon KnOwlEdge, vor 4 JahrenCompared to most others, at least this takes the full page width instead of strangely zooming in.But it does NOT reach the bottom.
- Bewertet mit 3 von 5 Sternenvon vyr, vor 5 Jahrenin some cases full page capture fails (maybe not because of this app)
Antwort des Entwicklers
geschrieben am vor 5 JahrenWould you mind sharing on which page it cannot capture full page? - Bewertet mit 3 von 5 Sternenvon Drafer, vor 6 Jahren
- Bewertet mit 3 von 5 Sternenvon JMJAR, vor 7 Jahrengreat tool, simple & fast.
Some little bugs, for example, impossible to screenshot a thread with multiple tweets on twitter, the "fullscreen" cap doesn't scroll the whole discussion and only capture the visible area when using the normal desktop website (it is working normally on the mobile website).
UPDATE: the bug occurs on any tweet direct URL, not only with multiple tweet threads.
UPDATE2 : Thanks for the update ! Not tried yet. But another question, how can I change the keyboard shortcut (which is already used in my language for common special charaters) ?
UDATE3 : When capturing a custom part of the page, if the part is small, I'm sent to the editor page but there is no screenshot, only blank space.Antwort des Entwicklers
geschrieben am vor 7 JahrenThanks for your comment Jarredou, could you provide a url that I can test with? Thanks
UPDATE: Hi Jarredou, I just published v1.2.6 with full screen support for tweet page like . Check it out!
UPDATE2: Thanks for your valuable feedback again, Jarredou. Regarding shortcut, it's already in my plan for August release. And you're right about a small region, I'll try to fix it this week. Btw, Firefox reviews is kind of inefficient for communication. You can reach me at for any other questions.
UPDATE3: Hey Jarredou, I just published v1.2.7 to fix problems with selecting small areas. Try it out.
UPDATE4: Hey Jarredou, I just published v1.2.8 to provide capability to change keyboard shortcuts. Check it out