Enhancer for YouTube™
Pren el control de YouTube i millora la teva experiencia d'usuari!
665.200 usuaris
'Improve YouTube!' 🎧 (For YouTube & Video)
Youtube Extension. Powerful but lightweight. Enrich your Youtube & content selection. Make YouTube tidy&smart! Layout Filters Shortcuts Adblocker Playlist
58.609 usuaris
Turn Off the Lights
La pàgina sencera s'enfosquirà, així podrà veure els vídeos com si fos al cinema.
46.605 usuaris
Immersive Translate - 沉浸式翻译
支持整页翻译·双语显示·只翻译正文。布局全面优化,和浏览器阅读模式类似,对Twitter, Reddit等网站做了定制优化
67.130 usuaris
Auto Refresh Page - Actualitzar auto una pàgina
Actualitza les pàgines web automàticament. Actualització automàtica i monitor de pàgina amb intervals de temps especificats
37.845 usuaris
Instagram Downloader
Help users download images and videos easily on Instagram
24.321 usuaris
Linguist - web pages translator
Translate web pages, highlighted text, Netflix subtitles, private messages, speak text, and save important translations to your personal dictionary to learn words in 130 languages.
17.620 usuaris
Lightning Autofill
The most popular autofill extension, boosting productivity since 2010.
17.213 usuaris
YouTube Search Fixer
Remove ALL distracting search results, redirect shorts back to legacy page and try little visual changes suited for low resolution screens.
15.031 usuaris
UnTrap for YouTube
Hide YouTube recommendations, shorts, comments, suggestions, related videos, trending and other distractions.
14.820 usuaris
SocialFocus: Hide Distractions
Block feed, shorts, related and other distractions on time-wasting sites like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn...
10.822 usuaris
google translate element
Automatically inserts Google Translate Element into the page. Translate the entire page without leaving page or opening a new tab.
9.725 usuaris
9.501 usuaris
Obsidian Web Clipper
Official web clipper extension for Obsidian. Clip content and save it to your Obsidian vault so you always have access to it, even offline.
9.312 usuaris
Hide Google AI Overviews
Hide annoying Google AI Overviews.
8.849 usuaris
Purple Ads BlockerPurple Ads Blocker
Purple AdBlock is a adblock for Twitch.tv
7.569 usuaris
Tab Volume
Control your tab volume.
4.181 usuaris
Youtube to MP3 Converter & Downloader
Firefox extension to convert and download Youtube videos for free in MP3 format. This addon includes a button on any YouTube View Page and allows you to convert the YouTube Video to a mp3 file with just one click.
3.633 usuaris
AddToAny: Share Anywhere
Share to Facebook, Mastodon, WhatsApp, Telegram, LinkedIn, Teams, Threads, email, and any other sharing or saving service quickly and easily with one share button.
3.297 usuaris
Modern for Wikipedia
A redesigned user interface for Wikipedia. Enhance your Wikipedia experience with a beautiful, clean, modern design that's fully customizable.
3.023 usuaris
Tweaks for YouTube
Seek, navigate chapters, control volume, speed, and more with mouse and keyboard shortcuts. Adjust player controls, progress bar, subtitles, process audio, show playlist duration, take video snapshot, set initial volume, speed, resolution, and more.
2.858 usuaris
Max HacKBar
This hackbar moded by Mr bipolar
2.822 usuaris
Print for Firefox
Print the current page you see with one single click. That for all kinds of photo printing, poster printing, business cards, etc.
2.618 usuaris
JSON Formatter
Formats JSON automatically! Open Source, Available with 60+ Themes, Syntax Highlighting, automatically linkifies links and more.
2.579 usuaris