Firefox for Android extensions
Personalize Firefox for Android with powerful extensions.
uBlock Origin
Finalment, un blocador eficient que utilitza pocs recursos de memòria i processador.
8.219.311 usuaris
Unhook: Remove YouTube Recommended Videos Comments
Hide YouTube related videos, comments, video suggestions wall, homepage recommendations, trending tab, and other distractions.
82.657 usuaris
LeechBlock NG
LeechBlock NG is a simple productivity tool designed to block those time-wasting sites that can suck the life out of your working day. All you need to do is specify which sites to block and when to block them.
78.073 usuaris
Google Search Fixer
Override the user-agent string presented to Google Search pages to receive the search experience shown to Chrome.
121.484 usuaris
YT Video Downloader
Effortlessly download your favorite YouTube videos in high quality with a single click. Create your personal video library, enjoy offline viewing, and share with friends—anytime, anywhere!
646 usuaris
恰饭?桌子都给你掀了(/= _ =)/~┴┴ 带你精准空降到恰饭结束或者高能时刻,自动跳过视频中的赞助广告、订阅提醒等片段。你也可以亲自标记视频中的广告并上传,所有人都会从您的贡献中受益。
133 usuaris
Pix Companion
Browser extension for Pix
113 usuaris
YouTube Video Easy Downloader
YouTube Video Easy Downloader lets you download YouTube videos up to 8K or convert them to audio—completely free and without a subscription. Download unlimited videos and audio in one click!
151 usuaris
Free YouTube Video Downloader
Easily download your favorite YouTube videos in high quality with just a click. Build your video library, enjoy offline viewing, and share with friends—anytime, anywhere!
509 usuaris
Web Media Saver
WebMediaSaver empowers users to save and organize online media content for offline access, enabling them to enjoy their favorite videos, music, and images anytime, anywhere.
368 usuaris
UltimaDark - The Fastest Dark Mode Extension
UltimaDark uses agressive & smart techniques to turn even the sunniest websites into realms of darkness. Although it works well, this is so experimental, it makes lab rats look like seasoned professionals. Go ahead, embrace the shadows! 🦇
340 usuaris
My IP Address Checker: Test IP + IPv6 + VPN
Displays IP address info and details like location + VPN usage when clicking on the IP button
140 usuaris