To use Android extensions, you'll need Firefox for Android. To explore Firefox for desktop add-ons, please visit our desktop site.

Firefox for Android extensions

Personalize Firefox for Android with powerful extensions.

Extensions recomanades
  • uBlock Origin

    uBlock Origin

    Finalment, un blocador eficient que utilitza pocs recursos de memòria i processador.

    7.986.946 usuaris

  • LeechBlock NG

    LeechBlock NG

    LeechBlock NG is a simple productivity tool designed to block those time-wasting sites that can suck the life out of your working day. All you need to do is specify which sites to block and when to block them.

    70.044 usuaris

  • Tomato Clock

    Tomato Clock

    Tomato Clock is a simple browser extension that helps with online time management.

    37.300 usuaris

  • Google Search Fixer

    Google Search Fixer

    Override the user-agent string presented to Google Search pages to receive the search experience shown to Chrome.

    126.491 usuaris

Explore all Android extensions
  • Lock Adblock

    Lock Adblock

    Blocador lleuger, sense permissos intrusius i amigable per a l'usuari que bloca anuncis, rastrejadors i programari maliciós.

    213 usuaris

  • Reddit NSFW Unblocker

    Reddit NSFW Unblocker

    Unblock and remove these pesky popups and blurs to freely view NSFW content! No login required. Made for the new Reddit (Beta) UI.

    1.410 usuaris

  • GitHub Web IDE

    GitHub Web IDE

    This extension enhances GitHub repositories by adding a convenient dropdown menu which offers direct links to various online platforms that allow users to view and interact with the repository's source code in an environment reminiscent of an IDE.

    266 usuaris

  • Media Grabber

    Media Grabber

    MediaGrabber simplifies the process of downloading online media content, including videos, music, and images, from various websites with ease.

    786 usuaris

  • Under New Management

    Under New Management

    Detect when your installed Firefox extensions have changed owners.

    272 usuaris

  • DeArrow - Better Titles and Thumbnails on YouTube

    DeArrow - Better Titles and Thumbnails on YouTube

    Crowdsourcing titles and thumbnails to be descriptive and not sensational

    15.945 usuaris

  • Automatically Skip Youtube Ads

    Automatically Skip Youtube Ads

    Auto skips youtube ads

    1.196 usuaris

  • Rinine CharacterAI Tools Lite

    Rinine CharacterAI Tools Lite

    Basic tools for charBasic tools for character AI. Lite version of Rinine CharacterAI Tools Lite version of Rinine CharacterAI Tools. Enhance your experience using the websiteacter AI. Lite version of Rinine CharacterAI Tools

    111 usuaris