Ressenyes sobre YouTube™ Productivity Mode
YouTube™ Productivity Mode per Siddharth Nahar
7 ressenyes
- S'ha valorat amb 5 sobre 5per 天灭中共退党团队保平安, fa 2 dies
- S'ha valorat amb 5 sobre 5per Luredju, fa 3 anys
- S'ha valorat amb 5 sobre 5per Jaredr6, fa 3 anyshello, thank you for making this extension, it would be nice if it had an option for blurring the titles as well as the thumbnails
also, i believe the bug the user that rated 3 stars was talking about, was if you try to set the settings while on a page other than youtube, it wont save the changes you made, its not an issue you just have to be on youtube when you change the settings, but if someone dosent relise that they may just assume the extension dosent work.
also, i believe why the other 5 star user, suggested blurring the autoplay when your mouse is over a video, is because it really diminish the effectiveness of keeping away distractions, when i turn on the productivity mode i want to eliminate as many distractions as possible, and not have any temptations of going off course. im not sure his exact use case, but mine would be i take online classes, and i often need to use YouTube to help me complete my math assignments, so im going to be specifically searching for any videos i want to see, so those are the only videos i need to be able to see clearly, blurring all the other videos and titles like on my home page and subscriptions page that are going to be unrelated to my homework makes it so i wont get side tracked by seeing a video that peaks my interest but is unrelated to my homework
again, thank you for making the extension - S'ha valorat amb 5 sobre 5per Niobium62, fa 5 anysthis is a very useful tool, but it would be nice if it stopped youtube from showing a few seconds of the video when you move your mouse cursor on the thumbnail
Resposta del desenvolupador
s'ha publicat fa 4 anysThank you so much for the appreciation. Means a lot to us.
We restrained ourselves from doing that coz we didn't want to hamper with the watching experience a lot. Our contention was with the distraction thumbnails add when we wish to be in productivity mode and so thought to tune them down a bit by blurring the thumb.
If the user still wants to browse what's in the video, we allowed the users to do that.
Are we missing your use case here? Can you explain a bit more about your need? We may actually resemble with your point and go forward giving option for this.
Take care! - S'ha valorat amb 3 sobre 5per Firefox user 16279487, fa 5 anysHI! this is a cool idea anyway but the extension doesn't work. Any settings changes I make are instantly reset on settings popup closing. Pls fix the bug
Resposta del desenvolupador
s'ha publicat fa 4 anysHi, Thanks for your review :)
Are you using any other add-on too for YouTube? We tried replicating what you mentioned but it seems to be working fine at our end. If there's another add-on, try disabling that and see if this gets resolved. Else, we will figure out a way to connect with you and triage where the software is breaking.
Take care!