Ressenyes sobre Shortkeys (Custom Keyboard Shortcuts) for Firefox
Shortkeys (Custom Keyboard Shortcuts) for Firefox per Peter Malecka, Mike Crittenden
17 ressenyes
- S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per Firefox user 14520466, fa 2 mesosDoesn't work. Tried to disable the tab key on gmail with no success, and even on a much simpler html page, the tabs key is still working as normal
- S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per Firefox user 18709296, fa 2 mesosThe extension doesn't work after I have updated Windows from 7 to 10 (22H2). Firefox 128.5.0 esr.
- S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per Ander, fa 2 anysThis didn't work for me at all (FF Developer Ed. v109). I tried disabling Ctrl+I and Ctrl+B ("italic" and "bold" editing commands) so FF wouldn't intercept them for Page Info and Bookmarks, respectively. The extension said it had "saved" the changes, but there was no effect. I exited and restarted FF and tried it again, just to be sure. 🤷♂️ (I don't have the heart to rate anything just 1 star, though.)
- S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per rebop, fa 3 anysWould have been a 1, but when it works its great. Problem is when I update add-ions in Fiorefox, it erases all the settings I have stored and need to be redone. Contacted the author 5 times and he does not eeem to care. Pity.
- S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per Firedogs, fa 4 anysIf I delete the 'cookie' or 'offline website data', settings lose.
Please fix it. - S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per Firefox user 15727928, fa 4 anysI really want this to be good. but it doesnt have PgDn, PgUp, Arrow keys up down left right, basically anything that you would WANT to keybind.
because you dont wanna keybind letters. you wanna keybind things that you dont press normally. but they dont recognize the keystrokes.
please add every key on a normal sized, keypad, arrow key keyboard. and once you do that, every single one of these non 5 star reviews will improve - S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per Francois_C, fa 5 anys
- S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per bb, fa 5 anysSeems to be ported from Chrome, in a sloppy, as it has references to it, and WON'T LET YOU OVERRIDE THE DEFAULTS, so basically it's misleading, at least for FF76 on MacOS.
- S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per Ar-Pharazon, fa 5 anysNo ctrl+e for Home page like Firefox used to do all on it's own and PaleMoon still does.
- S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per Marc, fa 5 anys
- S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per wildhearts1, fa 7 anysI use ctrl+shift+u key combination for 'Copy URL' but copied text always has a new line feed before url text.
Do you know any solution or could you fix it? - S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per Firefox user 14128409, fa 7 anysAfter re-install backspace deactivate shortcut doesn't work.
- S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per Firefox user 13655504, fa 7 anysdoesnt seem to work.. i entered ctrl+n to override the default new window to new tab, but still opens a new window
- S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per Firefox user 13597931, fa 7 anysI've bind ctrl+q for tab close. But its still closes the firefox. This addon is useless for me. But still the lone such addon for this crap 57+
Resposta del desenvolupador
s'ha publicat fa 7 anysYeah, ctrl+q (on linux and mac) and ctrl+t cannot be overriden, Firefox does not fire these key combinations. - S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per Kognyto, fa 7 anysFor me, this addon does not work when trying to assign either tilde or alt+` for tab navigation. The old swifttabs worked perfectly, but that developer abandoned it; now searching for a replacement, but this doesn't work in Firefox quantum versions. This appears to be because certain pages override the key bindings, so sometimes it will work to switch between tabs with the reassigned shortcut, but sometimes it will get stuck on a particular page. This is not acceptable, and probably a Mozilla issue more than the addon dev's issue.
Resposta del desenvolupador
s'ha publicat fa 7 anysWorks fine for me (alt+`), note that a browser restart (or at least a page reload) is recommended after the shortcuts are set up. Feel free to raise and issue in and provide detailed repro steps. - S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per Firefox user 13378009, fa 7 anysThis doesn't support browser.ctrlTab.previews. Would like to remap something else to use the browser.ctrlTab.previews (jump back and forth between the tab I was on last).
Resposta del desenvolupador
s'ha publicat fa 7 anysI'd be really thrilled if you could describe this feature on github: . Please raise an issue there and let me know the details there. - S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per Firefox user 12122370, fa 7 anysNice plugin, but I keep loosing my configuration after a while (possibly due clearing the cache)!
this is the third time that this happened!