952 ressenyes
- S'ha valorat amb 1 sobre 5per Jerry, fa 19 diesI think I can see what it's trying to do, though it breaks signing in with accounts like Google (oauth)
Resposta del desenvolupador
s'ha publicat fa 16 diesThank you for bringing this to our attention! We’re aware of the issue, and an update has already been submitted to Mozilla for review. It should be approved within the next few days, resolving the problem. We appreciate your patience! - S'ha valorat amb 4 sobre 5per Vinícius, fa 21 dies
- S'ha valorat amb 1 sobre 5per Firefox user 18796999, fa 21 dies
- S'ha valorat amb 4 sobre 5per Ruslan Seimov, fa 21 diesпонадобилось время, чтобы разобраться, но так полезное приложение
- S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per Arya, fa 21 diesBreaks firefox on basically all google-owned apps. You can visually see the URL flickering between what it should be and what ClearURLs is shortening. On YouTube, it does this unnecessarily, but accidentally triggers a load every time - opening a youtube tab with this extension enabled managed to rack up 30GB of RAM usage.
Resposta del desenvolupador
s'ha publicat fa 16 diesThank you for bringing this to our attention! We’re aware of the issue, and an update has already been submitted to Mozilla for review. It should be approved within the next few days, resolving the problem. We appreciate your patience! - S'ha valorat amb 4 sobre 5per Rufillo, fa 24 dies
- S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per Firefox user 13632517, fa un mes
- S'ha valorat amb 5 sobre 5per Eason, fa un mes
- S'ha valorat amb 1 sobre 5per Kirk, fa un mesThis breaks way too many websites.
Still breaks Google sheets as of this writing. - S'ha valorat amb 1 sobre 5per Tio, fa un mesOn desktop at least(didn't try it on mobile) I found a bug that doesn't let me open images on Google images most of the time, and when it does let me, it does't let me close them.
Resposta del desenvolupador
s'ha publicat fa 16 diesThank you for bringing this to our attention! We’re aware of the issue, and an update has already been submitted to Mozilla for review. It should be approved within the next few days, resolving the problem. We appreciate your patience! - S'ha valorat amb 4 sobre 5per yukikazebr, fa un mesThe january 17 update broke it, at least not working with Google Images.
- S'ha valorat amb 5 sobre 5per Zyrek, fa un mes
- S'ha valorat amb 3 sobre 5per Silencer, fa un mesIt has worked great,but lately as someone else has mentioned it causes my computer and the CPU to go crazy, several websites are affected, DuckDuckGo, Google, YouTube, Soundcloud and more. I spent days now trying to troubleshoot what was causing it (I have many extensions) and the moment I disabled this one, the cpu fans slowed down and my system is back to normal. Responsive and snappy.
Resposta del desenvolupador
s'ha publicat fa 16 diesThank you for bringing this to our attention! We’re aware of the issue, and an update has already been submitted to Mozilla for review. It should be approved within the next few days, resolving the problem. We appreciate your patience! - S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per milg, fa un mesRecently(?) started replacing + or %20 in URLs with regular spaces, which caused things like YouTube to freak out whenever I tried clicking on a video I searched for; as the URL would rapidly switch between the video URL and the search page URL. I also noticed a very high amount of CPU usage while this was all happening.
I'm using Floorp (a Firefox fork) and I have a few other add-ons enabled, so I don't wanna immediately push all the blame on it; however, disabling the add-on made all of these problems disappear.Resposta del desenvolupador
s'ha publicat fa 16 diesThank you for bringing this to our attention! We’re aware of the issue, and an update has already been submitted to Mozilla for review. It should be approved within the next few days, resolving the problem. We appreciate your patience! - S'ha valorat amb 4 sobre 5per Firefox user 18785016, fa un mes
- S'ha valorat amb 5 sobre 5per LiaaWho?, fa un mesIt's great,very light extension it blocked tracking element and it's good to be pair with other extension, it's perfect for me.
- S'ha valorat amb 4 sobre 5per Ociel, fa un mesFunciona de maravilla, el único problema es que da muchos errores con Google Sheets, impide poner filtros, abrir vinculos, ordenar celdas, etc. Les pido que por favor arreglen ese problema.
- S'ha valorat amb 3 sobre 5per Alvaro V., fa un mesUseful for many websites but it completely breaks google sheets search function. The search bar just doesn't appear with this on. Please add a method to whitelist specific domains.
- S'ha valorat amb 5 sobre 5per PingedWaffle, fa 2 mesos
- S'ha valorat amb 5 sobre 5per PanicAndHide, fa 2 mesos
- S'ha valorat amb 1 sobre 5per km, fa 2 mesosDoesn't actually clean anything.
Whether I click directly a link or use the "Copy Clean Link Location", it just goes to the tracker or gives the link with the tracker. - S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per ginny3553, fa 2 mesosBreaks a lot of Google Sheets functionality, which is very frustrating, as I've used this extension for a long time, but the issues with Google Sheets are new. I'd happily update my review to a higher star rating if this issue was fixed.
- S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per John, fa 2 mesosI rather like the extension but as has been noted by others it breaks google sheets and also breaks google docs (albeit to a lesser extent). If this were fixed or a way provided to fix it, I would gladly give 5 stars and recommend to everyone.