Ressenyes sobre Amazon Unsponsor
Amazon Unsponsor per Daniel Albers
20 ressenyes
- S'ha valorat amb 5 sobre 5per 敬念法轮大法好远离瘟疫, fa 10 dies
- S'ha valorat amb 5 sobre 5per NullVoid, fa un mesIt doesn't work.
When you first load A page it removes the sponsored listings that are loaded with it, but it does not remove the listings that load once you start scrolling and it loads new listings. - S'ha valorat amb 5 sobre 5per jp87, fa 2 mesosTried doing my Xmas shopping this year and could barely see what I was looking for because of all the trash sponsored content.
This app makes Amazon 1000x easier to look at and works perfectly. - S'ha valorat amb 5 sobre 5per niwi, fa 4 mesosBecause of this addon I am still using Firefox (instead of Safari) and Amazon. Great job.
- S'ha valorat amb 2 sobre 5per Marty, fa 5 mesosUnfortunately, sponsored articles are still advertised in ads, although I set remove in the extension.
- S'ha valorat amb 5 sobre 5per Firefox user 18584286, fa 6 mesosWorks great. Please add "" though :) ---- Wow!!! you updated it within a hour :o Awesome work
- S'ha valorat amb 3 sobre 5per lshrtwll, fa 9 mesosI LOVE this extension but it goes dark on me for months. I don't know why. It will work for 3 weeks and then not work for a month. I'm not sure what I'm doing to cause this.
- S'ha valorat amb 5 sobre 5per Pitt, fa un any
- S'ha valorat amb 5 sobre 5per Firefox user 14533413, fa un anyWorks nicely on
You don't want sponsored items to show up first. These are not the best ones, the cheapest ones, but just the ones where the seller paid amazon most for. This is not good for the sellers nor is it good for us buyers, it's only good for amazon.
This add-on hides them nicely. Thanks, Daniel! - S'ha valorat amb 5 sobre 5per Firefox user 13455059, fa un anyI was going mad having my search results cluttered up by the same products over and over. This simplified the interface and now I don't feel like I'm being sold to because I am not being so manipulated. Thanks!
- S'ha valorat amb 4 sobre 5per treesap, fa un anyIt's nice to have a slightly less biased Amazon. Though it's still an evil website that manipulates search results, this makes things a little better, at least!
**Okay, if you guys find that it's "not working", then check U-Block Origin. Not sure when the change happened to cause it, but now my sponsored products are blocked natively by it! I set an exception, because I prefer the highlight behavior provided by this extension. (FWIW, I use "advanced user mode", so I'm not sure whether it happens by default in "basic" mode.)
The domain that results in the block is (I think they're inevitably loaded from, but blocking the other seems to prevent from being called.) Pretty interesting how they're not returned in the original result set. (Not that their original results don't already have a bunch of manipulation going on.) - S'ha valorat amb 4 sobre 5per AnnanFay, fa 2 anysSeems to only work on the search results page. Worth remembering that the "Products related to this item" in item pages now contains some (or all?) sponsored links.
- S'ha valorat amb 4 sobre 5per Liam, fa 2 anysUpdate: It seems that it does not highlight or block products listed under "Highly Rated" and "New Arrivals" which are sponsored, too. By simply hovering over those products, I can see the "picassoredirect" link. Hopefully, it's not too much work and the developer sees that and can update the extension.
Honestly, it's worth 5 stars but I would love to see a blue frame like in the screenshots provided in the addon page or the highlight color in light red. The light grey simply doesn't stand out much. Nonetheless, great and helpful extension. - S'ha valorat amb 5 sobre 5per notrelevant, fa 3 anysSimple, permissions are just for Amazon websites, and it works.
- S'ha valorat amb 5 sobre 5per Firefox user 13677071, fa 4 anysVery nice, does exactly what it promises, and works for country-specific localized versions of the amazon website.
I'd like the author to fix one small issue, though: the "colorize" option uses some tagging or markup that gets detected by the EasyList ad-block list (, so those items end up being deleted anyway by the ad-blocker. - S'ha valorat amb 5 sobre 5per Firefox user 13378948, fa 4 anysDoes exactly what it promises. You have to hit F5 to refresh the page to highlight the sponcered ads. (Go into the Amazon Unsponsor options to choose to fully remove them.) This sounds like a pain, but it only takes a second, and its good to see the ads actually vanish from the page. Saying 'Whizzz.... BANG!' as you do it is optional...
Edit: It also works on Amazon Smile pages. - S'ha valorat amb 3 sobre 5per Intrepid, fa 5 anysIt works, but you have to refresh the page each time. Also you have to go into settings to have the sponsored ads removed, by default they are still there but highlighted instead.
- S'ha valorat amb 5 sobre 5per John Eyder, fa 5 anysExactly what I was looking for! It was working great until recently. Lately I must refresh the page for it to take effect when scrolling to another, page 2 and up.