Alberich Potter

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معلومات المطور
الاسم Alberich Potter
المنطقة England
مُستخدم منذ يوليو 2, 2010
عدد الإضافات التي طورتها 503 themes
معدّل التقييم من مطوري الإضافات مقيمة بـ 4 من 5 نجوم
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My Most Popular Themes


Chanel Madamoiselle Blake Lively

مقيمة بـ 3 من 5 نجوم

Atmospheric theme somewhat spoiled by the fact that the top of Blake Lively's head has been cropped off.

Château de sable

مقيمة بـ 4 من 5 نجوم

Impressive looking complex.

amor escrito

مقيمة بـ 4 من 5 نجوم

I love writing too (assuming my translation is correct) but I would say this is more like a doodle. Nevertheless it makes for a good theme.

Fleur Vintage10

مقيمة بـ 3 من 5 نجوم

Today's random selection, and quite attractive in its own way, but not really my cup of tea.

Gooby pls

مقيمة بـ 1 من 5 نجوم

It's not often these days that I criticise a theme for needing too many additional rows of blank toolbars to see it properly because, having started creating my own, I realise how difficult it is to concentrate the important parts of the image into the top third of the allowed 200 pixels, but this is one instance where that criticism is justified. The character is far too big and I need 6 additional rows to see it all, and am then left with a massive wall of empty white space at the top of my screen. And I'm not sure what Gooby pls is meant to be; it looks like a badly drawn Donald Duck to me!

Spring Rest

مقيمة بـ 4 من 5 نجوم

Mmmm....think I'll forget about my computer today and go and sit in the garden with a good book! Your usual high standard.

Like dandelion. .

مقيمة بـ 4 من 5 نجوم

Attractive, non-intrusive abstract style design.


مقيمة بـ 4 من 5 نجوم

Stunningly beautiful eyes and a great colour scheme. The cropping around the eyes, however, is a little too severe, with the top of her left eyelid missing, which leads me to deduct one star.

SK Kitty Clouds

مقيمة بـ 4 من 5 نجوم

Simple attractive theme, good-looking cat. I wonder what's it's spotted in the sky that I can't see?

színes fonal

مقيمة بـ 4 من 5 نجوم

Lovely, vibrant coloured wool.

Romance On The Moonlight

مقيمة بـ 2 من 5 نجوم

Nice idea but extremely poor execution with badly blurred and noisy image quality.

Random spiral

مقيمة بـ 4 من 5 نجوم

Simple but with an attractive colour scheme. Pity you haven't tried creating any more since.

boatman and river

مقيمة بـ 2 من 5 نجوم

I love the image but not at all keen on it being repeated and mirrored and with that gap between. The other problem is that the key part of the picture - the boatman - is at the bottom, necessitating lots of additional toolbars in order to be able to see it.

Noelle Allen

مقيمة بـ 2 من 5 نجوم

Black and white abstract themes don't really work for me; I find it a bit of a mess if I'm being honest.


مقيمة بـ 2 من 5 نجوم

Sometimes I really regret choosing my themes on an entirely random basis; today is such a day! Definitely not for me, although I do quite like the monochrome colour scheme.

Armata 1989 AC MILAN

مقيمة بـ 2 من 5 نجوم

I have no strong feelings either way about AC Milan, but I find this theme to be much too busy and cluttered.

Spring Vines

مقيمة بـ 4 من 5 نجوم

I'm not normally a big fan of cartoon type themes, but this is simple, non-intrusive, fresh and attractive. Your usual high standard.


مقيمة بـ 4 من 5 نجوم

Attractive, non-intrusive colour scheme. The bright parts are just a little too bright for my taste, but by using my preferred configuration of only one additional blank toolbar row these are hidden.


مقيمة بـ 3 من 5 نجوم

I have to confess that it doesn't really appeal to me; just too much black and too little other content.

Support Outlaws-1

مقيمة بـ 4 من 5 نجوم

Good, simple theme and colour scheme. For my display set up the font size could do with being a point or two lower as the S of Support overlaps two of my toolbar icons, but it's not a major problem as I can still see them.