

名称 alkoro
注册时间 Feb. 1, 2015
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分


DKIM Verifier


I used this addon before tb68. After update this addon has been disabled, after version 3.1 it enabled again. BUT it not work, I can't see any DKIM messages, and settings page missed too. Reinstalling not help.
console log says this addon not start cause of:
1597741731873 addons.webextension.dkim_verifier@pl WARN Loading extension 'dkim_verifier@pl': Reading manifest: Warning processing legacy: An unexpected property was found in the WebExtension manifest.
I delete addon, opened addons tab, searched 'dkim'. I can-not install this addon from web - "this addon not compatable with your TB" I have actual TB version 78.1.1, wtf?


Hide Local Folders


Agree, Local Folders hiding once then plugin was just installed. After tb restrarting local folders showing again. Plugin 2.0 not work correctly.


Stylish Sync


But something going wrong since 19-apr-2017. I used favourites, adblock rules, greasemonkey scripts and stylish css with my sync-account. But now all of these objects except stylish syncing properly. Even if i use clean FF profile, then only stylish-sync don't work anymore. I've been checked it with FF 52.0.2 and FF 53.0.