Оцінка 5 з 5 зірок

I love this add-on simply because I can make several signatures, edit them and use them everywhere. I'm a crafter, writer and artist who is all over the web, and many sites/forums don't allow formatting signatures. In using this add-on, I still have to manually make my signatures clickable, but that's ok, because this add-on is saving me so much time. I really appreciate it.

thank you so much for the review!there actualy is a hotkey function but i cant remember if firefox overrode it or if its still available, in vanilla -before editing your customs- it says<!ENTITY signature.thunderbird.shortcutkey.default.key "D"><!ENTITY signature.thunderbird.shortcutkey.default.modifier "accel, shift"><!ENTITY signature.thunderbird.shortcutkey.random.key "R"><!ENTITY signature.thunderbird.shortcutkey.random.modifier "accel, shift">in thunderbird it has this hotkey function but unable to in firefox saddly =( but im glad you enjoy this prgram as mucuh as i do =)how ever, if you rightclick and go to 'signature' and press Shift + S it will put the one called 'signature' <!ENTITY signature.contextmenu.insert.title "Insert Signature"><!ENTITY signature.contextmenu.insert.ak "S"><!ENTITY signature.contextmenu.options.title "Edit Signatures()"><!ENTITY signature.contextmenu.options.ak "E"><!ENTITY signature.contextmenu.random.title "Random Signature()"><!ENTITY signature.contextmenu.random.ak "R">