To use Android extensions, you'll need Firefox for Android. To explore Firefox for desktop add-ons, please visit our desktop site.

Firefox for Android extensions

Personalize Firefox for Android with powerful extensions.

Extensões recomendadas
  • Search by Image

    Search by Image

    A powerful reverse image search tool, with support for various search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yandex, Baidu and TinEye.

    315 224 utilizadores

  • NoScript Security Suite

    NoScript Security Suite

    The best security you can get in a web browser! Allow potentially malicious web content to run only from sites you trust. Protect yourself against XSS other web security exploits.

    307 519 utilizadores

  • Privacy Badger

    Privacy Badger

    Automatically learns to block invisible trackers.

    1 238 137 utilizadores

  • Video Background Play Fix

    Video Background Play Fix

    Some sites may not work with Firefox for Android video background play feature. This add-on provides a quick fix by blocking the Page Visibility API and the Fullscreen API.

    181 101 utilizadores

Explore all Android extensions
  • Media Grabber

    Media Grabber

    MediaGrabber simplifies the process of downloading online media content, including videos, music, and images, from various websites with ease.

    529 utilizadores

  • Under New Management

    Under New Management

    Detect when your installed Firefox extensions have changed owners.

    199 utilizadores

  • Lock Adblock

    Lock Adblock

    Um bloqueador de anúncios leve, não intrusivo e fácil de usar que bloqueia todos os tipos de anúncios, rastreadores e malware.

    97 utilizadores

  • Automatically Skip Youtube Ads

    Automatically Skip Youtube Ads

    Auto skips youtube ads

    922 utilizadores

  • Reddit NSFW Unblocker

    Reddit NSFW Unblocker

    Unblock and remove these pesky popups and blurs to freely view NSFW content! No login required. Made for the new Reddit (Beta) UI.

    981 utilizadores

  • OsintX


    OsintX 🔍 is an extension that allows you to automate research tasks but not that OsintX also allows you to practice osint easily without skill.

    218 utilizadores

  • WebX Video Downloader

    WebX Video Downloader

    WebX Video Downloader is your ultimate companion for capturing and saving videos from your favorite websites.

    2067 utilizadores

  • Transkriptor: Converta áudio em texto

    Transkriptor: Converta áudio em texto

    Converta áudio em texto. Grave e transcreva automaticamente suas reuniões e outras conversas com o Transkriptor.

    355 utilizadores