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Nome debkdarlin
Utente da Maggio 5, 2012
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Le mie recensioni

M & M Christmas by MaDonna

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My boy got M&M's their first Nascar championship the other night & now you given me an entire puter setup so I can celebrate it. You know how much I love your work, after all these years. I hope you have a fabulous Holiday Season! Will CC: this over to Mozilla, don't feel that you have to reply. I'd rather you spent the time creating... lol Lots of love, Deb

Cute Little Snowmen by MaDonna

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You've out done yourself again, my friend! The wallpaper is even more beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing all your hard work! I know you must feel like you're doing it for nothing, I'm sorry I don't thank you more often. Due to MS rearing it's ugly head, I haven't been able to visit you for a few months. Please accept this as a blanket thank you for all the one's I've missed. I don't physically have the strength to comment on them all. I do cherish each of them, though, and sing your praises to everyone who uses either themes or walls.

Good Morning by MaDonna

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Too cute, sweetie!!! Thanks so much! Any chance of a wallpaper to match him? I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so greedy, but he's so darn cute, I couldn't help myself... lol Love & prayers your way!

Wolves of the North by MaDonna

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Thank you for the beautiful theme of wolves. It's beautiful, as always!

Teddy Bear Chrsitmas

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I've been waiting for this little guy, every since I grabbed your wallpaper of him! Thank you soooooooooo much!!!! He's now installed all over my laptop, tablet & phone!

Sons of Anarachy Final Season

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Thanks sweetie! I'm going through withdrawals already and the season hasn't even started yet!

Native American Woman and Her Horse by MaDonna

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This is beautiful, sweetie! Thank you for another great Native theme! I grab them as I see them. I try to login here every 2 or 3 weeks and spend hours adding your themes to my favorites collection so I can add them with PS. I really can't thank you enough, since I don't review every theme.

Deer in Fall Aspen Forest by MaDonna

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Oh MaDonna, this is just gorgeous! Where on earth did you find this lady's work? I've searched for her through every search engine I have and can't even find this image. I just wanted to see more of her work, because it's so beautiful. you always do such an awesome job with whatever image you use. Thank you my dear for another above and beyond theme!

Chrysanthemums Pink by MaDonna

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I love, Love, LOVE it!!! Very simple, clean, light, with just a touch of color supplied by gorgeous light pink mums. I actually can't see where anyone could find a problem with it.

MaDonnas Fireworks

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The most realistic fireworks I've ever seen in a theme! Great job!! Thanks bunches, MaDonna, for sharing! You astounded me again

Opening Daisy Field

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Beautiful light blue color is easy on the eyes. Lovely artwork, but what strikes me the most is the different way it is used. I don't know what all filters were used in creating this, but awesome job again, MaDonna!

Lily Doodles

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I love it, sweetie! Thanks bunches. I have all 3 pieces on my laptop,,, lol at least for today. I have Personna Switcher on here, so I change your themes sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. I'm addicted to them! In my opinion your the best theme artist around.

Joy of Purple and Pink by MaDonna

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It's gorgeous, MaDonna! I don't know what you updated on it, but it's still beautiful! I'm a "Graple" fanatic and I love those beautiful peonies, that only bloom for a very short time each spring - summer. Thank you for hitting all my bases... lol

Native American Turquoise Skull

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Love it!

Native American Choker

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MaDonna really out did herself in creating the Native American Choker Persona. The choker looks like you could pick it up, put it on and wear it. It looks as if its laying on a piece of real soft, brushed leather. The texture pops on it. The shading is perfect. The text is the appropriate color.
All in all I can't find anything wrong with this Persona at all!
On top of all that it's lovely!

Native American And White Wolf

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The elusive white wolf, always the good omen. Wonderful layering and blending. Thank you for sharing your talent!

Native American Wolf Howling by MaDonna

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My late husband would have flipped for this one! He loved wolves, but he didn't like his browser theme real busy. This one would make a lovely stat also. Thanks so much, sweet lady.

Native American Beauty

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This is so beautiful, MaDonna! It would make lovely stationery for T-Bird also. I used to do that all the time. Make stationery for OE & IM, then MS quit using OE. Now I'm learning T-Bird, but can't get the stationery figured out right.

Little Green Bird in Cherry Tree by MaDonna

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My favorite Persona artist out did herself again! This theme is just gorgeous, there's no other word to describe it. It's bright, cheery, full of life and Spring. Just what you need to get you out of the Winter doldrums.

Buffalo Roam by MaDonna

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You did a beautiful job of editing it, too!