
Provider for Google Calendar

Allows bidirectional access to Google Calendar

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184.870 utenti


TbSync is a central user interface to manage cloud accounts and synchronize their contact, task and calendar information with Thunderbird.

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71.675 utenti

ReminderFox Riavvio richiesto

ReminderFox zeigt und verwaltet Listen von Erinnerungen und Aufgaben. ReminderFox nutzt einfach zu verwendende Listen mit Warnungen/Alarmen, um Sie an alle Ihre wichtigen Termine zu erinnern.
Reminderfox synchronisiert auch mit anderen Kalendern

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle (550)
2.960 utenti

Lightning Colors Reminder Riavvio richiesto

Let's show the calendar color on Lightning reminders!

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle (4)
256 utenti

Calendar Tweaks Riavvio richiesto

Allows several tweaks to the Thunderbird/Lightning calendar user interface including new selection styles and repeating event icons. Mimics the colors and styles found in MS Outlook.

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2.233 utenti

Google Calendar Tab Riavvio richiesto

Adds the Google Calendar web interface as a new tab directly into Thunderbird. Creating and viewing events works just as it would in a browser like Firefox

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74 utenti

G-Hub Lite

Google Tabs for Thunderbird! G-Hub Lite supports Calendar, Contacts, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Maps, Search, & Voice. Need Google Workspace support (formerly G Suite)? Check out G-Hub Pro: https://www.schiffner.com/index.php/software/g-hub-pro

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3.759 utenti

Lightning Invitation Notifier | LIN

This extension is an extension to Mozilla Lightning for Thunderbird.
It shows a toast message and opens the invitations window when an invitation arrives.

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2.002 utenti

Lightbird Riavvio richiesto

Standalone calendar UI for Lightning

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148 utenti

Gantt View Riavvio richiesto

Gantt Chart view for Sunbird/Lightning

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61 utenti

Lightning QR Code Add-on

Integrate QR codes for calendar events into tooltips for easy transfer to mobile devices.

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30 utenti

SRB Lightning Riavvio richiesto

An integrated calendar for Thunderbird build in purpose testing Serbian translation. You can download version: 1.0b2, 1.0b1 and 0.11 Inverse Edition which work with version 3.1, 3.0 and 2.0 Thunderbird. Windows, Linux and Mac are all supported.

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0 utenti

Automatic Export Riavvio richiesto

Exportiert angegebene Kalender im Intervall oder über einen Button in 2 Modis - normal und Backup.

Die aktuelle Version ist immer auf meiner Homepage.
Hier auf der Seite dauert es nach eine neuen Veröffentlichung sehr lange.

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle (48)
21 utenti

ThunderCal Riavvio richiesto

ThunderCal simply gives you a toolbar button that you can use to run Google Calendar inside Thunderbird. Inspired by the ThunderWave add-on.

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14 utenti

Trashcan Riavvio richiesto

Have you ever accidentally deleted an event and didn't notice? Undo is no longer available? Then this extension is for you! All deleted items are put into a special Trashcan calendar for your safety.

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7 utenti

Free/Busy Riavvio richiesto

Publish free/busy calendar file (*.ifb) via ftp or to a file. View other people's free/busy info in meeting organizer window. Integrate Thunderbird and Outlook calendars without Exchange server.

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5 utenti

Year view Riavvio richiesto

Year view for calendar.

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69 utenti

Birthday Reminder Riavvio richiesto

Birthday Reminder reminds of upcoming birthdays for all contacts in Thunderbird's address book. Supports Lightning, reminders and even Google Calendar :-)

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8 utenti

3e Calendar Riavvio richiesto

Adds support for 3e calendars

Assegnate 1 su 5 stelle (1)
3 utenti

Zonio Freebusy for Lightning Riavvio richiesto

Finds when are people available for a meeting or event via Zonio Freebusy service. Displays freebusy blocks instantly in Invite Attendees window while attendees are being added. Works with both local calendar storage or any calendar provider.

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1 utente