

Confirm mail address and attachments based on flexible rules.

(This project was renamed from "Flex Confirm Mail" to "FlexConfirmMail", due to a branding reason.)

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WarnAttachment mostra una finestra di dialogo chiedendo conferma dell'apertura di allegati potenzialmente dannosi. Alcuni allegati come eseguibili ecc. vengono bloccati. Questo riduce il rischio di malware, in particolare per gli utenti inesperti.

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Sensitive Attachment Guard Riavvio richiesto

A Thunderbird add-on censor sensitive attachments (currently Microsoft Office documents) from being sent to unintended recipients.

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Don't Send Linked Files Riavvio richiesto

Prevents sending of linked files if they are file: URLs.

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vault56 protection

vault56 protection protects against potentially malicious attached files and links. Links are rewritten to pass through vault56 URL protection servers and checked for trackers and malicious activity.

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44 utenti