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Informasi Pengembang
Pengguna sejak Maret 5, 2007
Jumlah pengaya yang dikembangkan 0 pengaya
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Ulasan Saya

SmartSave Thunderbird Extension

Peringkat 5 dari 5 bintang

Does not work with TB 3.6.14 please upgrade

Lock The Text

Peringkat 2 dari 5 bintang

So I don't get it, whats the use. Where and when should I use this?

Ulasan ini dibuat untuk versi pengaya (0.21) sebelumnya. 

Message Level Authentication

Peringkat 4 dari 5 bintang

I'm testing this add-on for a view days now and overall it looks cool. I found nevertheless that if I activate the check at start-up I get an script error. Also It does not always checks all mail sometimes it does nothing at all. Also the right click on a map and asking to check it does not always work. It needs a lot of work but could become a hot extension!