
About me

Developer Information
Name TiagoTiago
User since June 25, 2007
Number of add-ons developed 0 add-ons
Average rating of developer's add-ons Not yet rated

My Reviews

WebPG for Mozilla

Rated 2 out of 5 stars

I couldn't get the preferences to stick, can't even pick which key to use (i did try disabling all my other extensions to see if it was a conflict, but didn't help). It would be great if it worked...

This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( 


Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Yay, now i can write like this by just typing normally! :D

Here it is if anyone wants it:
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´","`"],["a","a"],["b","b"],["c","c"],["d","d"],["e","e"],["f","f"],["g","g"],["h","h"],["i","i"],["j","j"],["k","k"],["l","l"],["m","m"],["n","n"],["o","o"],["p","p"],["q","q"],["r","r"],["s","s"],["t","t"],["u","u"],["v","v"],["w","w"],["x","x"],["y","y"],["z","z"],["{","{"],["|","|"],["}","}"],["~","~"]]

This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( 


Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Too bad it's being discontinued :/


Rated 4 out of 5 stars

it would be better if it allowed more than jsut primary field, having secondary (and more if possible) would be great

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.1). 


Rated 4 out of 5 stars

can you make it be like an account, with it's own root folder, separated login info etc? And if you do, make it check for new stuff, while not focused, and show that red sparkle and the number of unread wavlets or whatever please.