Weitere Themes zu Natur

Early Spring Morning

1 täglicher Benutzer

One Summer Night

1 täglicher Benutzer

Early Autumn Beauty

1 täglicher Benutzer

Prime Autumn Beauty

1 täglicher Benutzer


2 tägliche Benutzer

Bamboo Brown

von HerrFrodo

1 täglicher Benutzer

Alle Themes zu Natur ansehen


A beautiful and fine theme. I do love Christmas Roses - you arranged them absolutly wonderful.

Thank You so much for your pleasant response.
I am curious about the roses and will be on the lookout for them.
By the way: my English is rather poor, my friend has assistet with the translations till now.
But I don't want her to do this for me all the time. So please apologize that in future my notes will be very short and not sufficient for any conversation. ;)
Kind regards. :)

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen von ElDiSi am Okt. 17, 2014

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