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Хронология на версиите на AlexaTopSites

4 версии

Отнасяйте се с повишено внимание към старите версии!

Тези версии са предоставени за справки и тестови цели. Винаги трябва да използвате последната версия на добавките.

Издание 18.3 KiB Работи с Firefox 7.0 - 56.*, SeaMonkey 2.3 - 2.24

1.4.0 Release Notes:

✔ Once again they made weird changes to their site... this time to remove the site's label field, so we'll just show the site's domain instead.

1.3.0 Release Notes:

✔ Looks like Alexa stopped showing rating's stars, breaking the add-on. So, for now if no rating is shown it'll be ignored and sites added regardless.

Издание 18.2 KiB Работи с Firefox 7.0 - 26.*, SeaMonkey 2.3 - 2.24

✔ Looks like Alexa stopped showing rating's stars, breaking the add-on. So, for now if no rating is shown it'll be ignored and sites added regardless.

Издание 1.2.1-signed.1-signed 18.1 KiB Работи с Firefox 7.0 - 24.*, SeaMonkey 2.3 - 2.16a1

✔ Minor internal fixes.

Издание 1.0.1-signed.1-signed 17.9 KiB Работи с Firefox 7.0 - 22.0, SeaMonkey 2.3 - 2.16a1