Dark Reader 的評論
Dark Reader 作者: Dark Reader Ltd
174 筆評論
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Firefox 使用者 16531945,4 年前It looks great and works as advertised. However it bogs Firefox down *very* quickly. After install I found tabs taking forever to load, links would hang after clicking them, and some pages would completely freeze in transition for almost a full minute. Closing firefox, shutting any process left in the control panel down, and reopening it will resolve the issue for about 5 minutes, and then everything hangs again. I've found a lot of dark mode extensions do similar things, but this one was the worst, and fastest, to do it. Uninstalling the extension resolved every issue I had, and if you're having similar issues you can see it's firefox by opening the task manager, selecting more details, and viewing the memory usage of the app before and after removing or installing the extension.
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Firefox 使用者 16503086,4 年前It could be better but it distorts some pages and makes the opening of pages heavy. He needs adjustment, he's got good potential.
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Thunder,4 年前2 stars for effectively giving me the ability to put dark mode on any website.
-3 stars for
1) making all my tabs run slower...significantly slower
2) not honoring my preference of not running the addon on certain sites. After setting a site to not use the addon when I return to the page, the addon will still sometimes applying theming to the page...sometimes incompletely. This sometimes caused text to become unreadable.
A change could be made to the addon to correct this...default to off. Let me set a preference for if I want to apply dark mode or light mode, and then let me turn it on rather than force me to turn it off when it doesn't work for a site. This would default to the addon doing nothing on any sites until I explicitly say I want to use it there. You could even set it so I can choose whether the addon is used by default or not used by default. Options are always good.
I have uninstalled this addon because of these problems. If I hear these issues have been corrected, I'll try it again. - 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Internet User,4 年前I really enjoyed this until I realized it saves the sites you toggle even while in a private browser. If I'm in a private browser, I don't want anything saved. I don't care if I have to manually toggle the modes every time I open Firefox, I do not want my history saved in any way and this unfortunately does that. I even removed it and reinstalled it and it saved the old sites I had visited. Manually removing them is a pain. If this hiccup can be fixed, it'd be an easy 5 stars but my privacy concerns majorly knocked it down.
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Firefox 使用者 16225830,4 年前
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 jason1971,4 年前
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Catinks,4 年前Would be excellent, if the exceptions list actually worked, unless there's something I'm doing wrong, I'm just gonna not use this.
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Firefox 使用者 12160918,4 年前
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Mephistopheles,4 年前Not only substantially slows down my Firefox, but frequently causes most pages, particularly Nazibook, to stop responding
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Karoline B Bakke,4 年前I used to really like Dark Reader, until it seemingly ruined firefox for me. Now, I have some websites that will only work if I enable Dark Reader, as the text often is permanently white. This is a problem that has stayed even after I disabled Dark Reader. The only thing that works is completely reinstalling firefox. Some websites just don't look as good in dark mode, so not having the option to turn it off sucks. It also started slowing down my browser like crazy, so it has its fair share of issues.
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Firefox 使用者 16038563,4 年前Worked great without any problems until Firefox 8.0.1. Now it crashes randomly and has to be disabled and re-enabled to work again.
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Krackenn,5 年前En Android es muy bueno, lamentablemente es también muy pesado y enlentece al navegador.
En Pc es lo mismo, enlantece al navegador. - 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 thophoi,5 年前
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Ari B,5 年前This started out great but over time has become and increasing nuisance. It really would be best if it had some sort of machine learning in it that allowed intelligent display of a page based on the page's settings, not necessarily this app. Renders Ecosia searches illegible and frequently makes pages look dusty rather than making them more readable; dark grey text on a taupe background is actually really difficult to read. It also eats up memory like nobody's business. Won't be using again, i'll just turn down the whole screen brightness and deal with it.
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Kvoth3,5 年前It was working fine for 3 weeks. Then it kept causing firefox to slow down and crash. Worked great otherwise, please fix this issue.
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Sarecee,5 年前Dark Reader doesn't work on most sites for Firefox For Android. It seems as if settings apply only to Firefox Desktop, no mention of android.
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Firefox 使用者 14423297,5 年前Very CPU intensive, pages blocked still have some elements changed. un-installing will try again w/version 6...
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Matze,5 年前- Das Add-On macht das laden der Seiten sehr langsam.
- Die Farbwahl/Kontrast und Darstellung ist nicht besonders gut gelungen. Teilweise sind einzelne Texte überhaupt nicht zu sehen. - 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 TAG,5 年前
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 MX,5 年前Hace que el navegador funcione muy lento, y eso es una cosa que valoro mucho de los navegadores, por eso solo le doy 2 estrellas, pero el resto de la extensión es perfecta, solo le falla eso.
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Ama Zinger,5 年前Auto-detect does not work at all, at least on Android. My phone is in night mode, but this extension completely ignores it. I remember when I could manually set when to turn this thing on, but seems like developer cut this feature.
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Firefox 使用者 15921504,5 年前I had to disable the extension for now. It slows down every website load.
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Sinbad,5 年前It used to work without problems but ever since the last update it works 5 times out of 10. Most times now I have to turn it off since it makes some major sites (like eBay, Amazon, and Google products) just load and run as slow as a turtle duct taped to a boulder. If it didn't have those moments of slow down then it would be the perfect product.
- 評價 2 分,滿分 5 分來自 Firefox 使用者 15086627,5 年前Great features and really saves my eye strain. Unfortunately it makes your browser extremely slow. Some sites take over 30 seconds to load with this add-on enabled. When you disable the add-on the sites load fine.