Tweaks for YouTube bởi InzkDev
Seek, navigate chapters, control volume, speed, and more with mouse and keyboard shortcuts. Adjust player controls, progress bar, subtitles, process audio, show playlist duration, take video snapshot, set initial volume, speed, resolution, and more.
Bạn sẽ cần Firefox để sử dụng tiện ích mở rộng này
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Về tiện ích mở rộng này
Browser extension for YouTube (including embedded videos), YouTube Music, and Google Drive videos
100+ features available! Features are turned off by default - explore the extension's Popup and Options page and enable the ones you need. After installation, reload all YouTube pages!
Fast forward, rewind, navigate chapters, control volume, speed, and more (50+ actions) with an unlimited number of custom mouse controls (hover over different areas of the video and use mouse wheels or buttons) and keyboard shortcuts. Use global keyboard shortcuts to control active video from any app.
Turn on the "Auto Gain" feature to balance sound levels across different videos by making quieter videos louder. One of the audio channels is quieter or missing? Just turn on the "Mono Mix". Use the "High Pass Filter" to make muddy audio with too much bass clearer. If the volume is still too low, there is a "Boost Volume" feature.
Make player controls always visible, hidden, visible only on mouse hover, or show only a minimalist progress bar. Auto-hide them in less than the default 3 seconds. Customize volume and time display and base time on the current playback rate.
Complete features list: inzk.dev/tweaks-for-youtube/features
Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/inzkdev
ContextMenus - for the "Search YouTube" feature
Storage - for storing extension settings
Site Access
- www.youtube.com
- music.youtube.com
- www.youtube-nocookie.com - for embedded videos in privacy-enhanced mode
- youtube.googleapis.com - for Google Drive videos
Privacy Policy
This extension does not collect personal data from users, and it does not send any user data to a remote server. The only data it collects are extension settings, and this is stored locally on your PC.
This is an independent project and has no relationship to YouTube™ or Google LLC.
Features (check the website for a complete list)
Mouse Control
- interact with the video player, shorts player, or miniplayer using any mouse button or wheel
- 50+ actions available, such as:
- seek (units available: second, frame, chapter, %)
- adjust or set volume, toggle mute
- adjust or set playback rate (from 0.1x to 16x)
- adjust video quality, subtitle's font size, take a video snapshot, save to playlist, show comments in the sidebar, and many more
Video Chapters Navigation
- use the middle, right mouse button, or double click anywhere on the chapter container on the progress bar, and the chapter will start playing from the beginning
Content Filters
- hide watched videos, shorts, upcoming, live, mix, and other video types and sections on various pages
Clean Player
- remove annotations, cards, watermark, end screen, video title, heatmap, ambient mode, buttons, overlays
Clean Page
- remove logo yoodle, reminders, hints, surveys, nudges, thumbnail overlays, some ads, and other page elements
Hide Comments, Sidebar, or Related Videos In Sidebar
Hide All Action Indicator Animations
- hide icons and animations that show up when you change volume, speed, etc.
Dim Watched Videos
- make watched videos more distinctive
Custom Rich Grid Layout
- customize layout on the home and subscriptions pages, and channel's videos and live tabs
- options: Decrease container width, Decrease font size, Hide avatars, Number of items per row
Chat Visibility
- show chat replay, auto-hide live chat, or disable the chat section
Channel Trailer
- Disable autoplay
- Hide trailer section
Disable Inline Playback
- don't play videos when you hover over them on the home or other pages
Initial Active Channel Page Tab
- when opening the page, navigate directly to the videos, shorts, live, or other tabs
Shorts Player - Overlay
- hide the top overlay (play/pause and volume controls)
- hide the bottom overlay (subscribe button and info)
- make overlays visible only on mouse hover
Shorts Player - Convert Title To A Link To Normal Player
- click on the video title to open short video in the normal video player
Shorts In Normal Player
- shorts will seamlessly open in the normal video player
Autoplay Next Short
- automatically play the next short video when one ends
Loop Shorts
- automatically turn on/off loop (auto-repeat) on current and every new short
Convert Channel Name To Link (available in Chromium-based browsers)
- in the playlist, queue, or related videos, click on the channel name, and the page will open in the new tab after a second or two (this feature might not work in all browsers)
Show Full-Size Thumbnails And Avatars
- Ctrl+Click on any thumbnail or avatar image to show the full-size version
Show Playlist Duration
Video Filter
- adjust the video brightness and contrast (0 - 200%)
Zen Mode
- dim, blur, and grayscale all sections except the video player on watch page
- a section becomes visible on mouse hover, and all sections become visible when you start scrolling down
Replace Mute Button With Volume Level
- show volume level (e.g., 50%) instead of the mute/unmute button in the player
- you can still click on it to mute/unmute
Enable Custom Time Display In Player
- replace the default time display (current time / duration) with a custom one based on a template
Always Visible Volume Bar
Sticky Player
- keep the smaller version of the player always visible while scrolling
- options to not activate the sticky player when the video has ended or while it's paused
- compact and wide variations
- options to set position and offset
Expanded Cinema (Theater) Mode
- expand the player to the full window in cinema mode
- options to hide header and scrollbar
Transparent Video Description And Buttons
- remove the background from buttons below the player (Like, Dislike, Share, etc.) and from the description section on watch page
Video Description
- Expanded - automatically clicks the 'Show More' button
- Minimalist - show only number of views and date when collapsed
- Show Exact Date / View Count
Automatically show Chapters, Transcript, Description, or Comments in Sidebar
Fixed Sidebar
- in the Default (Normal) video view the sidebar has a fixed position and its own scrollbar
Thin Scrollbars
- change the style of various scrollbars (page scrollbar, scrollbars in dialogs)
Up Next Video In 0 Seconds
Autoplay Switch - Turn Off
- controls the Autoplay switch (the first button in the bottom right corner of the video player)
- it will check the switch when the new video starts and turn it off
Disable Autoplay Next Video In Playlist
Disable Auto Pause
- disable the "Video paused. Continue watching?" feature
Initial Player State
- enables you to stop the player when you open a new video
- separate options for foreground and background tabs
Pause Previous Video
- pause the previous video when another one starts playing
Loop Normal Videos
- automatically turn on loop (auto-repeat) on current and every new normal video
Skip Video Intro / Outro
- start playing the new video from a specified time or chapter to avoid watching repetitive intros
- can be set for individual channels or all videos
Skip Ads
- skip any ad at any time with a mouse or keyboard shortcut (add "Seek to" action, set unit to "%" and value to "100")
- automatically skip any kind of ad after specified time delay
Autoclick the "Skip Ads" button
Video View - Start New Video In
- always start the new video in the Default view or Cinema mode
Preferred Video Resolution
- automatically set on every new video
- set different resolutions when the video is in fullscreen mode, cinema mode, on embedded videos, and on background videos
Initial Fullscreen
- start playing the new video in fullscreen mode
Initial Volume
- automatically set on every new video or session
Initial Playback Rate
- automatically set on every new video
- turn subtitles automatically on/off on every new video
- set them to a fixed custom position
- align text to the center
Picture-In-Picture Mode (available in Chromium-based browsers)
- enter and exit using local or global shortcuts
- additional version with progress bar and mouse control available in some browsers
Instant Fullscreen
- enter this mode without delay, even with many comments and related videos loaded
Instant Play / Pause
- play or pause the video instantly on the mouse button pressed
Toggle Fullscreen with Middle Mouse Button
Video Snapshot
- capture the video frame at the current time and resolution, and save it as JPG, PNG, or WebP file
- copy captured frame to clipboard (available in Chromium-based browsers)
- optionally, include subtitles
Video Download Link
- create a video download URL from a template
- copy URL to the clipboard - when downloading videos with command-line programs like yt-dlp
- open URL in a new tab - when downloading videos with browser tools
Copy Video URL / Copy Video URL At Current Time
- available domain formats - Short (youtu.be/...), Long (www.youtube.com/...)
- available time formats - Default (t=1000), HMS (t=16m40s)
- option to remove playlist from URL
Comments - Focus Input / Paste Timestamp
- paste a timestamp of the current video time at the cursor position in comment input field
- pasting timestamp also works in replies
- option to automatically reduce timestamp by 1, 2, or 3 seconds
Sort comments by "Newest first" or "Top comments"
Back To Comment
- use this command after clicking on a timestamp in the comment section to scroll down to that comment
Back To Top Button
- scroll to the top of the page
- select button color and position
Focus Search Box
- use a hotkey to focus the input and automatically paste the selected text into it
Open Search Results In New Tab (with Ctrl/Shift + Enter combinations)
- Enter - open in current tab
- Ctrl+Enter - open in new tab
- Ctrl+Shift+Enter - open in new active tab
- Shift+Enter - open in new window
Full Video Titles
- don't truncate video titles on various pages
Show Video Playback Info
- show the overlay containing current time / duration, remaining time, volume, and/or playback rate
- adjustable font size and opacity
Embed Mode
- watch the video in Embedded Player (in the current tab or popup window)
Context Menus - Search YouTube
- when you open the context menu on selected text on any website, there will be a "Search YouTube for ..." option
Custom CSS And JavaScript
- add custom styles and scripts
Experimental Features
[EXP] Overlaid Sidebar
- show the sidebar on top of the player in Cinema Mode or Full Screen
- sidebar will become visible when you place the mouse cursor near the right edge and disappear on mouseout
[EXP] Add Secondary Actions On Various Buttons
- Secondary actions can be triggered with Right or Middle Mouse Button. Available on:
- [RMB] Subscribed button: Unsubscribe with a single click.
- [RMB] Comments section > Sort Comments menu button: Toggle between Top Comments and Newest First.
- [RMB] Share button (below the video): Open Save To Playlist menu. Useful when the Save button is not visible.
- [RMB] Video Player > Next Video button: Play the next chapter.
- [RMB] Video thumbnail ' ᎒ ' menu: Hide, Not interested, Remove, or Delete (depending on the context).
- [MMB] Video thumbnail ' ᎒ ' menu: Don't recommend channel (when the action is available).
- [RMB] Top part of the playlist item drag handle (above ' = ' icon): Move to top
- [RMB] Bottom part of the playlist item drag handle (below ' = ' icon): Move to bottom
- [RMB] Middle part of the playlist item drag handle (' = ' icon): Save to playlist
- [RMB] Video Player > Settings button: Set initial playback rate on current channel
- [Ctrl+RMB] Channel Avatar below the Video Player, or in Video Description: Set initial playback rate on current channel
[EXP] Customize Download Button
- open different websites (video downloaders) in a new background or active tab when you click the Download Button (on the Watch Page) with the left/middle/right mouse button
[EXP] Search Within Playlist On Playlist Page
- on the /playlist page, press CTRL+SHIFT+F to start searching within the current playlist
- you can search by video title and channel name
[EXP] Remove YouTube's Custom Main Scrollbar
- useful if you've enabled the #overlay-scrollbars flag in your browser or prefer the default scrollbar
Features: YouTube Music
- Mouse Control
- Keyboard Control
- Audio - Boost Volume
- Audio - Pan
- Audio - Mono Mix
- Audio - High Pass Filter
- Video Snapshot (only on music videos)
- Video Download Link
- Initial Volume
- Auto-Skip Ads
- Auto-Click "Skip Ads" Button
- Custom CSS And JS
Features: Google Drive Videos
- Mouse Control
- Keyboard Control (when the player has focus)
- Player Controls
- Initial Volume
- Initial Playback Rate
- Loop Normal Videos
- Preferred Video Resolution (the "Embedded" option)
- Seek Action Info
- Show Video Playback Info
- Custom CSS
100+ features available! Features are turned off by default - explore the extension's Popup and Options page and enable the ones you need. After installation, reload all YouTube pages!
Fast forward, rewind, navigate chapters, control volume, speed, and more (50+ actions) with an unlimited number of custom mouse controls (hover over different areas of the video and use mouse wheels or buttons) and keyboard shortcuts. Use global keyboard shortcuts to control active video from any app.
Turn on the "Auto Gain" feature to balance sound levels across different videos by making quieter videos louder. One of the audio channels is quieter or missing? Just turn on the "Mono Mix". Use the "High Pass Filter" to make muddy audio with too much bass clearer. If the volume is still too low, there is a "Boost Volume" feature.
Make player controls always visible, hidden, visible only on mouse hover, or show only a minimalist progress bar. Auto-hide them in less than the default 3 seconds. Customize volume and time display and base time on the current playback rate.
Complete features list: inzk.dev/tweaks-for-youtube/features
Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/inzkdev
ContextMenus - for the "Search YouTube" feature
Storage - for storing extension settings
Site Access
- www.youtube.com
- music.youtube.com
- www.youtube-nocookie.com - for embedded videos in privacy-enhanced mode
- youtube.googleapis.com - for Google Drive videos
Privacy Policy
This extension does not collect personal data from users, and it does not send any user data to a remote server. The only data it collects are extension settings, and this is stored locally on your PC.
This is an independent project and has no relationship to YouTube™ or Google LLC.
Features (check the website for a complete list)
Mouse Control
- interact with the video player, shorts player, or miniplayer using any mouse button or wheel
- 50+ actions available, such as:
- seek (units available: second, frame, chapter, %)
- adjust or set volume, toggle mute
- adjust or set playback rate (from 0.1x to 16x)
- adjust video quality, subtitle's font size, take a video snapshot, save to playlist, show comments in the sidebar, and many more
Video Chapters Navigation
- use the middle, right mouse button, or double click anywhere on the chapter container on the progress bar, and the chapter will start playing from the beginning
Content Filters
- hide watched videos, shorts, upcoming, live, mix, and other video types and sections on various pages
Clean Player
- remove annotations, cards, watermark, end screen, video title, heatmap, ambient mode, buttons, overlays
Clean Page
- remove logo yoodle, reminders, hints, surveys, nudges, thumbnail overlays, some ads, and other page elements
Hide Comments, Sidebar, or Related Videos In Sidebar
Hide All Action Indicator Animations
- hide icons and animations that show up when you change volume, speed, etc.
Dim Watched Videos
- make watched videos more distinctive
Custom Rich Grid Layout
- customize layout on the home and subscriptions pages, and channel's videos and live tabs
- options: Decrease container width, Decrease font size, Hide avatars, Number of items per row
Chat Visibility
- show chat replay, auto-hide live chat, or disable the chat section
Channel Trailer
- Disable autoplay
- Hide trailer section
Disable Inline Playback
- don't play videos when you hover over them on the home or other pages
Initial Active Channel Page Tab
- when opening the page, navigate directly to the videos, shorts, live, or other tabs
Shorts Player - Overlay
- hide the top overlay (play/pause and volume controls)
- hide the bottom overlay (subscribe button and info)
- make overlays visible only on mouse hover
Shorts Player - Convert Title To A Link To Normal Player
- click on the video title to open short video in the normal video player
Shorts In Normal Player
- shorts will seamlessly open in the normal video player
Autoplay Next Short
- automatically play the next short video when one ends
Loop Shorts
- automatically turn on/off loop (auto-repeat) on current and every new short
Convert Channel Name To Link (available in Chromium-based browsers)
- in the playlist, queue, or related videos, click on the channel name, and the page will open in the new tab after a second or two (this feature might not work in all browsers)
Show Full-Size Thumbnails And Avatars
- Ctrl+Click on any thumbnail or avatar image to show the full-size version
Show Playlist Duration
Video Filter
- adjust the video brightness and contrast (0 - 200%)
Zen Mode
- dim, blur, and grayscale all sections except the video player on watch page
- a section becomes visible on mouse hover, and all sections become visible when you start scrolling down
Replace Mute Button With Volume Level
- show volume level (e.g., 50%) instead of the mute/unmute button in the player
- you can still click on it to mute/unmute
Enable Custom Time Display In Player
- replace the default time display (current time / duration) with a custom one based on a template
Always Visible Volume Bar
Sticky Player
- keep the smaller version of the player always visible while scrolling
- options to not activate the sticky player when the video has ended or while it's paused
- compact and wide variations
- options to set position and offset
Expanded Cinema (Theater) Mode
- expand the player to the full window in cinema mode
- options to hide header and scrollbar
Transparent Video Description And Buttons
- remove the background from buttons below the player (Like, Dislike, Share, etc.) and from the description section on watch page
Video Description
- Expanded - automatically clicks the 'Show More' button
- Minimalist - show only number of views and date when collapsed
- Show Exact Date / View Count
Automatically show Chapters, Transcript, Description, or Comments in Sidebar
Fixed Sidebar
- in the Default (Normal) video view the sidebar has a fixed position and its own scrollbar
Thin Scrollbars
- change the style of various scrollbars (page scrollbar, scrollbars in dialogs)
Up Next Video In 0 Seconds
Autoplay Switch - Turn Off
- controls the Autoplay switch (the first button in the bottom right corner of the video player)
- it will check the switch when the new video starts and turn it off
Disable Autoplay Next Video In Playlist
Disable Auto Pause
- disable the "Video paused. Continue watching?" feature
Initial Player State
- enables you to stop the player when you open a new video
- separate options for foreground and background tabs
Pause Previous Video
- pause the previous video when another one starts playing
Loop Normal Videos
- automatically turn on loop (auto-repeat) on current and every new normal video
Skip Video Intro / Outro
- start playing the new video from a specified time or chapter to avoid watching repetitive intros
- can be set for individual channels or all videos
Skip Ads
- skip any ad at any time with a mouse or keyboard shortcut (add "Seek to" action, set unit to "%" and value to "100")
- automatically skip any kind of ad after specified time delay
Autoclick the "Skip Ads" button
Video View - Start New Video In
- always start the new video in the Default view or Cinema mode
Preferred Video Resolution
- automatically set on every new video
- set different resolutions when the video is in fullscreen mode, cinema mode, on embedded videos, and on background videos
Initial Fullscreen
- start playing the new video in fullscreen mode
Initial Volume
- automatically set on every new video or session
Initial Playback Rate
- automatically set on every new video
- turn subtitles automatically on/off on every new video
- set them to a fixed custom position
- align text to the center
Picture-In-Picture Mode (available in Chromium-based browsers)
- enter and exit using local or global shortcuts
- additional version with progress bar and mouse control available in some browsers
Instant Fullscreen
- enter this mode without delay, even with many comments and related videos loaded
Instant Play / Pause
- play or pause the video instantly on the mouse button pressed
Toggle Fullscreen with Middle Mouse Button
Video Snapshot
- capture the video frame at the current time and resolution, and save it as JPG, PNG, or WebP file
- copy captured frame to clipboard (available in Chromium-based browsers)
- optionally, include subtitles
Video Download Link
- create a video download URL from a template
- copy URL to the clipboard - when downloading videos with command-line programs like yt-dlp
- open URL in a new tab - when downloading videos with browser tools
Copy Video URL / Copy Video URL At Current Time
- available domain formats - Short (youtu.be/...), Long (www.youtube.com/...)
- available time formats - Default (t=1000), HMS (t=16m40s)
- option to remove playlist from URL
Comments - Focus Input / Paste Timestamp
- paste a timestamp of the current video time at the cursor position in comment input field
- pasting timestamp also works in replies
- option to automatically reduce timestamp by 1, 2, or 3 seconds
Sort comments by "Newest first" or "Top comments"
Back To Comment
- use this command after clicking on a timestamp in the comment section to scroll down to that comment
Back To Top Button
- scroll to the top of the page
- select button color and position
Focus Search Box
- use a hotkey to focus the input and automatically paste the selected text into it
Open Search Results In New Tab (with Ctrl/Shift + Enter combinations)
- Enter - open in current tab
- Ctrl+Enter - open in new tab
- Ctrl+Shift+Enter - open in new active tab
- Shift+Enter - open in new window
Full Video Titles
- don't truncate video titles on various pages
Show Video Playback Info
- show the overlay containing current time / duration, remaining time, volume, and/or playback rate
- adjustable font size and opacity
Embed Mode
- watch the video in Embedded Player (in the current tab or popup window)
Context Menus - Search YouTube
- when you open the context menu on selected text on any website, there will be a "Search YouTube for ..." option
Custom CSS And JavaScript
- add custom styles and scripts
Experimental Features
[EXP] Overlaid Sidebar
- show the sidebar on top of the player in Cinema Mode or Full Screen
- sidebar will become visible when you place the mouse cursor near the right edge and disappear on mouseout
[EXP] Add Secondary Actions On Various Buttons
- Secondary actions can be triggered with Right or Middle Mouse Button. Available on:
- [RMB] Subscribed button: Unsubscribe with a single click.
- [RMB] Comments section > Sort Comments menu button: Toggle between Top Comments and Newest First.
- [RMB] Share button (below the video): Open Save To Playlist menu. Useful when the Save button is not visible.
- [RMB] Video Player > Next Video button: Play the next chapter.
- [RMB] Video thumbnail ' ᎒ ' menu: Hide, Not interested, Remove, or Delete (depending on the context).
- [MMB] Video thumbnail ' ᎒ ' menu: Don't recommend channel (when the action is available).
- [RMB] Top part of the playlist item drag handle (above ' = ' icon): Move to top
- [RMB] Bottom part of the playlist item drag handle (below ' = ' icon): Move to bottom
- [RMB] Middle part of the playlist item drag handle (' = ' icon): Save to playlist
- [RMB] Video Player > Settings button: Set initial playback rate on current channel
- [Ctrl+RMB] Channel Avatar below the Video Player, or in Video Description: Set initial playback rate on current channel
[EXP] Customize Download Button
- open different websites (video downloaders) in a new background or active tab when you click the Download Button (on the Watch Page) with the left/middle/right mouse button
[EXP] Search Within Playlist On Playlist Page
- on the /playlist page, press CTRL+SHIFT+F to start searching within the current playlist
- you can search by video title and channel name
[EXP] Remove YouTube's Custom Main Scrollbar
- useful if you've enabled the #overlay-scrollbars flag in your browser or prefer the default scrollbar
Features: YouTube Music
- Mouse Control
- Keyboard Control
- Audio - Boost Volume
- Audio - Pan
- Audio - Mono Mix
- Audio - High Pass Filter
- Video Snapshot (only on music videos)
- Video Download Link
- Initial Volume
- Auto-Skip Ads
- Auto-Click "Skip Ads" Button
- Custom CSS And JS
Features: Google Drive Videos
- Mouse Control
- Keyboard Control (when the player has focus)
- Player Controls
- Initial Volume
- Initial Playback Rate
- Loop Normal Videos
- Preferred Video Resolution (the "Embedded" option)
- Seek Action Info
- Show Video Playback Info
- Custom CSS
Trả lời của nhà phát triển
Minimum recommended Firefox version: 68
Xếp hạng trải nghiệm của bạn
Hỗ trợ nhà phát triển này
Nhà phát triển của tiện ích mở rộng này yêu cầu bạn giúp hỗ trợ sự phát triển liên tục của nó bằng cách đóng góp nhỏ.
Quyền hạnTìm hiểu thêm
Tiện ích này cần:
- Truy cập dữ liệu của bạn cho www.youtube.com
- Truy cập dữ liệu của bạn cho www.youtube-nocookie.com
- Truy cập dữ liệu của bạn cho youtube.googleapis.com
- Truy cập dữ liệu của bạn cho music.youtube.com
Thêm thông tin
- Liên kết tiện ích
- Phiên bản
- 3.74.1
- Kích cỡ
- 622,18 KB
- Cập nhật gần nhất
- 2 tháng trước (19 Thg 12 2024)
- Thể loại có liên quan
- Giấy phép
- Mọi Quyền Được Bảo Lưu
- Lịch sử các phiên bản
- Nhãn
Thêm vào bộ sưu tập
Ghi chú phát hành cho phiên bản 3.74.1
- Showing "Discard this clip" message when opening some videos
- Content Flters - "Mix" options
- Showing "Discard this clip" message when opening some videos
- Content Flters - "Mix" options
Tiện ích mở rộng khác của InzkDev
- Chưa có xếp hạng nào
- Chưa có xếp hạng nào
- Chưa có xếp hạng nào
- Chưa có xếp hạng nào
- Chưa có xếp hạng nào
- Chưa có xếp hạng nào