PopUpOFF incelemeleri
PopUpOFF geliştiren: RomanistHere
Display Name adlı kullanıcının incelemesi
5 üzerinden 2 puan
yazan: Display Name, 7 ay öncecompletely breaks twitch.tv for the most part and hasn't been fixed in the past year
Geliştiricinin yanıtı
gönderilme: 7 ay öncePopUpOFF is not intended to use on social networks and platforms like twitch.tv that's why they are excluded by default. Twitch uses popups to display content.
I'm sorry you had uncomfortable experience with it. I recommend to "turn off" it on twitch.tv
I'm sorry you had uncomfortable experience with it. I recommend to "turn off" it on twitch.tv
92 inceleme
- 5 üzerinden 1 puanyazan: Claude Gauthier, 6 gün önceit's causing bugs on web pages blocking forms blocking picture on classified ads site
Geliştiricinin yanıtı
gönderilme: 5 gün öncethanks for the report, would be nice if you share which websites have bugs. In the meantime you can pick a "turn off" mode in popupoff on a certain website - it will remember your choice and will not create issues for you - 5 üzerinden 5 puanyazan: Alch, 10 gün önce
- 5 üzerinden 5 puanyazan: Jinx, 16 gün önce
- 5 üzerinden 5 puanyazan: yd1, bir ay önceJust Installed: No More Google Popup: You Must Log In! thank you developer very much!
- 5 üzerinden 5 puanyazan: rckndrll, bir ay önceIn the strict mode it removed a pop-up that four other pop-up blockers failed to do. This app actually does what it is supposed to do.
- 5 üzerinden 5 puanyazan: Firefox kullanıcısı 18368182, 2 ay önce
- 5 üzerinden 5 puanyazan: BLZ, 2 ay önce
- 5 üzerinden 5 puanyazan: gaiziya, 2 ay önce
- 5 üzerinden 5 puanyazan: freetheinformation, 2 ay önce
- 5 üzerinden 5 puanyazan: geeknik, 2 ay önce
- 5 üzerinden 5 puanyazan: jrsj, 2 ay önce
- 5 üzerinden 5 puanyazan: Idan Nabara, 3 ay önce
- 5 üzerinden 5 puanyazan: DevDoctor, 3 ay önce
- 5 üzerinden 5 puanyazan: Kadircan Ersahin, 3 ay önce
- 5 üzerinden 5 puanyazan: J R, 4 ay önce
- 5 üzerinden 1 puanyazan: Firefox kullanıcısı 13404543, 4 ay önce
- 5 üzerinden 5 puanyazan: Firefox kullanıcısı 15544790, 5 ay önce
- 5 üzerinden 5 puanyazan: Firefox kullanıcısı 14018447, 5 ay önce
- 5 üzerinden 5 puanyazan: Jerry Clean, 6 ay önce
- 5 üzerinden 3 puanyazan: Drago, 6 ay önceAktualisierung vom 14.03.2024 Add-On v.2.1.3:
+ Das Beste ist, dass die Entfernung sehr schlau durchdacht ist: Cookie/Popup wird entfernt, die Scrollbar repariert und danach ggf. ein verschwommenes Overlay (blur-Element) zielsicher entfernt.
+ Der Entwickler kümmert sich extrem gut um Updates und reagiert auf Feedbacks schnell und zuverlässig, perfekt!
- Fehler v.2.1.3: auf ebay.de ist die Chat-Funktion nicht mehr möglich - eingegebene Antworten werden nicht gepostet, auch wenn PopUpOFF auf "Turn OFF" steht!
- Bei zusätzlichem Verwenden von Addons wie "I (still) don't care about cookies" dauert das Laden vieler Shop/Social-Websites immer noch sehr viel länger als üblich (amazon, ebay, youtube, reddit, etc). Aber es ist nicht mehr ganz so schlimm wie früher.
- Das Addon ist ganz gut in der Entdeckung und Entfernung von hartnäckigen Bannern/Cookies, einfachere werden hingegen NICHT blockiert (meist die mit "X"- zum Schließen!). Es erkennt aber oft die neusten Methoden für Overlays/Banner.
Fazit: Dieses Addon sehr mächtig und ein tolles Werkzeug mit einem erstklassigen Entwickler (ich benutzte es seit Beginn und schon lange bevor es so berühmt war wie heute). Für eine noch bessere Erkennung empfehle ich dringend: Füge deinem Code die Erkennungsrate von "Cookie-Banner-Blocker" (Autor: otsmr) hinzu. Danach müssen noch Captchas auf die Whitelist gesetzt werden (otsmr hat dies nicht). Dies würde das Addon wahrscheinlich dann sogar noch besser machen als "I (still) don't care about cookies" und "superagent".
Update from 14.03.2024 Add-On v.2.1.3:
+ The best thing is that the removal is very cleverly thought out: cookie/popup is removed, the scrollbar is fixed and then, if necessary, a blurry overlay (blur element) is unerringly removed.
+ The developer takes extremely good care of updates and responds to feedback quickly and reliably, perfect!
- Bug v.2.1.3: on ebay.de the chat function is no longer possible - entered answers are not posted, even if PopUpOFF is set to "Turn OFF"!
- When additionally using addons like "I (still) don't care about cookies", loading many shop/social websites still takes much longer than usual (amazon, ebay, youtube, reddit, etc). But it's not quite as bad as it used to be.
- The addon is quite good at detecting and removing stubborn banners/cookies, but simpler ones are NOT blocked (mostly the ones with "X"- to close!). However, it often recognizes the latest methods for overlays/banners.
Conclusion: This addon is very powerful and a great tool with a first class developer (I've been using it since the beginning and long before it was as famous as it is today). For even better detection, I strongly recommend: add the detection rate of "Cookie Banner Blocker" (author: otsmr) to your code. After that, captchas must be added to the whitelist (otsmr does not have this). This would probably make the add-on even better than "I (still) don't care about cookies" and "superagent".