Control Panel for Twitter incelemeleri
Control Panel for Twitter geliştiren: Jonny Buchanan
8 inceleme
- 5 üzerinden 1 puanyazan: primeris, 3 ay önceI LOVE THIS EXTENSION, but it badly needs to update to make only the like button disappear. Or let me know how to do this
- 5 üzerinden 1 puanyazan: Kokujin, bir yıl önceI just want to remove distractions like the what's happening tab but this extension constantly updates and does useless things like changing the logo and erasing checkmarks.
- 5 üzerinden 1 puanyazan: Firefox kullanıcısı 17878973, bir yıl önceI cannot get this to work. I am getting 'Can;t read or change data on this site'. No obvious documentation to guide.
Geliştiricinin yanıtı
gönderilme: bir yıl önceYou might not have granted the extension permissions to access Twitter when you first installed it, if you go to Settings -> Extensions & Themes and click on Control Panel for Twitter, the Permissions tab should let you fix this Geliştiricinin yanıtı
gönderilme: 2 yıl önceThis has been fixed, but the version published on Firefox Add-ons is currently 5 days behind the latest - I'd recommend using the user script version instead until Firefox Add-ons publish the working version- 5 üzerinden 1 puanyazan: Firefox kullanıcısı 14348938, 3 yıl önceCan't hide retweets in Lists. Fix that, and this'd be an amazing extension!
Geliştiricinin yanıtı
gönderilme: bir yıl önceThis feature was added in v2.25 - the extension adds a "Turn off/on Retweets" item to the menu at the top of lists