CBB - Youtube-Clickbait-Blocker incelemeleri
CBB - Youtube-Clickbait-Blocker geliştiren: Finn
1 inceleme
- 5 üzerinden 2 puanyazan: Salih, 6 yıl öncedoesnt explain if it blocks phrases or links, slows down firefox to the point where it the page freezes, and also theres spelling mistakes in the description of this extension, come on dude. i would be delighted to redownload if i know i can block certain channels from being recommended entirely but still see videos made by other channels with the name of the blocked channel in the title (example drama alert using jake paul in the title, but i dont wanna see jake paul's vid, just keemfucks) also include the trending page in the blockable list. you should have a line of boxes to check of things we want to block. id pay $5 for that, especially if it blocks YT red videos as well. sorry for so many suggestions. i wish 2010 YT never left lol