Avira Password Manager incelemeleri
Avira Password Manager geliştiren: Avira
7 inceleme
- 5 üzerinden 2 puanyazan: jasta, bir yıl önceA great PW-Manager but recently it oftentimes doesnt work to click on it and the autofill also doent work - only deinstallation and a new installation helps. does anyone know this bug?
- 5 üzerinden 2 puanyazan: Firefox kullanıcısı 13336918, 2 yıl öncePourquoi toujours tout en Anglais je n'y comprends rien !
- 5 üzerinden 2 puanyazan: Flleeppyy, 2 yıl önceDo not start your browser without internet otherwise you'll have to retype your password again. Basically, the extension does NOT WORK without internet, which is extremely dumb and inconvenient for when you're offline and you store passwords for other devices in your password manager. It also breaks text fields in google docs
Please fix this, and don't reply with "Please contact us so we can resolve this issue", it's not hard to look at "Does not work offline" and realize that the extension does not work offline, and it doesn't require the user to submit more information. - 5 üzerinden 2 puanyazan: Firefox kullanıcısı 12361697, 4 yıl önceQuit working in Firefox on my home computer but still works on my work laptop. Crashed in Chrome. PITA.
- 5 üzerinden 2 puanyazan: Firefox kullanıcısı 14789040, 4 yıl önce
- 5 üzerinden 2 puanyazan: Anonymous, 5 yıl önceThere's no option to automatically lock the vault on browser restart which is a major flaw IMHO.
- 5 üzerinden 2 puanyazan: Firefox kullanıcısı 15065605, 5 yıl önce