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Domača stran
Uporabnik od Marec 5, 2007
Število razvitih dodatkov 0 dodatkov
Povprečna ocena dodatkov tega razvijalca Ocena 4 od 5 zvezdic

Malo bolj podrobno ...

Hi, this is your captain speaking, we are now cruising at a height of 1000 miles above the surface of the internet, please fasten your seatbelts, we are coming in to land.

Try out FB Purity, my browser extension that lets you Clean up and Customize Facebook:

Hide ads, games and other junk on Facebook with the FB Purity browser extension for Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera

Moje ocene


Ocena 5 od 5 zvezdic

This extension is fantastic, super useful and brilliant. Love it!

Ta ocena je za prejšnjo različico dodatka (  Ta uporabnik ima prejšnjo oceno za ta dodatek.


Ocena 5 od 5 zvezdic

Great bit of software, very user friendly and very useful indeed.

Ta ocena je za prejšnjo različico dodatka (