Ocene za Window Titler
Window Titler — Tomasz Pamula
85 ocen
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Zripzri, pred 2 letoma
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 14373606, pred 2 letoma
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Jeremy , pred 2 letoma
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 14561823, pred 2 letoma「<ウィンドウ名>タブのタイトル」という形式で表示する事ができ、「ツリー型タブ」と合わせて便利に使っています。
作業目的ごとにウィンドウを作る使い方をする中で、開いているタブによってはウィンドウの役割が分かりにくい悩みがありましたが、解消されました。 - Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— cyricc, pred 2 letomaDoes exactly what it says. Love that it persists through session restore. Perfect little addon
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 17599669, pred 2 letomaWorks as advertised.
Note on MacOS (don't know about Windows) that the named windows are alpha sorted when viewed by the Firefox Dock icon, but in creation order in the Firefox Window menu item. I actually like the two different views.
This extension allowed me to move from Chrome. - Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— tarets, pred 2 letoma
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— scmstr, pred 2 letomaDoes exactly what it says it does.
I'm sure there's a way to do this by digging through Firefox's internal code, but this dev already did it for us.
Thanks for making this, Tomasz Pamula. - Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 15086754, pred 3 letiGreat extension! It's easy to use and has simple but useful options.
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Pi, pred 3 leti
- Ocenjeno z 4 od 5— Ahmed, pred 3 letiAwesome that this works and the title stays after restarts. Not share how it works exactly since the other extensions don't.
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 17368121, pred 3 leti
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 17339343, pred 3 leti
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Tony Murray, pred 3 letiThis extension is very useful - it enables setting a custom title bar specific to Firefox profiles.
In Linux/Plasma/KDE, the window titlebar colors can therefore be customized through matching the window title (Window Management --> Window Rules --> Window title Substring Match/ Appearance and fixes) - Ocenjeno z 2 od 5— funicorn, pred 3 letiI'm afraind this addon's feature is not clearly described, as it can't 'modify' a window title, whereas can only adds a prefix to it.
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— richard at latech, pred 3 letiDoes exactly as described. Super handy for someone like myself that works with a project per window.
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— niquis7, pred 3 leti
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 14068806, pred 4 letiVery useful if you run Firefox using multiple browser profiles, this add-on tells me the name of the profile being used by the open window! Perfect! Thanks, much appreciated!
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Fabio Correa, pred 4 letiYep, exactly what I was looking for. This is a very creative, unobtrusive extension. Thanks for your work and for keeping it thriving over the years.
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 13633717, pred 4 letiYou have no idea how much this helps. Firstly it is responsibility of Firefox to add window re-ordering and changing titles. Such a obvious basic thing. I can't thank you enough for this!!!!!!!!!!
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 16910655, pred 4 leti