Ocene za Bitwarden Password Manager
Bitwarden Password Manager — Bitwarden Inc.
Ocena uporabnika xsilas43
Ocenjeno z 1 od 5
— xsilas43, pred 25 dneviThis new UX update is unusable and those responsible should be fired.
The main feature of this is to fill passwords, now its a tiny little button.
The main feature of this is to fill passwords, now its a tiny little button.
Odgovor razvijalca
objavljeno ob pred 17 dneviHi. Mare sure you are on version 2024.12.4 or above, then check under Bitwarden Settings > Autofill > "Click items to autofill on Vault view" and Bitwarden Settings > Appearance > "Show quick copy actions on Vault" if you want to restore previous functionality that you may prefer.
8.737 ocen
- Ocenjeno z 2 od 5— Gee, pred enim dnemThe current version 2024.12.4 of the extension is incompatible with the latest version 2025.1.3 of the desktop app.
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Nusux, pred enim dnemEn iyi 2 ci parola yöneticisi daha güzeli var ama kasa eşitlemsi daha kolay ve tarayıcı uyumluku ve telefondaki programı daha güzel olduğu için daha tercih edile bilir.
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 18820309, pred enim dnem
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 18815780, pred 2 dnevoma
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Luihmi, pred 2 dnevoma
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 16569932, pred 3 dnevi
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Fleija, pred 3 dnevi
- Ocenjeno z 2 od 5— John Doe, pred 3 dneviAnnoying behaviour.
Doesn't save credentials, edit button not responsive, hogs the Firefox app and you have to force close the browser, cannot unlock using phone unlock code.
You get what you pay - Ocenjeno z 4 od 5— ZachHeise, pred 4 dneviThe new UI that was introduced at the end of 2024 is unfortunately, a downgrade. Previously, clicking the entire rectangle of a Vault entry, would autofill on the page. Now, clicking the rectangle opens the "edit" section. And now we need to click a tiny "Fill" button instead. This seems...backwards? The thing you are doing most often is wanting to fill/autofill. Editing is not the typical action, almost certainly. Why not give us an option to reverse this? Make "fill" be the thing that happens when you click anywhere on an entry, and make a tiny button that says "edit" - like how it used to be. Other than that, I don't have any real complaints about the UI changes - but it's a pretty major one.
- Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— Damian B, pred 4 dneviPassword autofill doesn't work on some sites... For example, enter login: testtt1234 and click "Next" on the site: login.ingbank.pl
In the older addon version (2024.9.1) everything works fine. - Ocenjeno z 2 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 18814189, pred 5 dneviI've used this add-on for many years on both desktop and android, but the recent UI changes have made it so much worse. The android FF version just no longer works for me, any attempt to go into settings is a one-way trip needing a Firefox close-reopen to restore the browser. The auto-fill functions just don't work any more, no matter what I do with my tablet settings, and there are just too many possible combinations of BW and android settings, I can't keep track of what I've tried. It should not be so hard. Based on my previous experience I was going to have my elderly family members use it, but I can no longer recommend it - it's just about unusable. I have to reosrt to using the separate android app.
- Ocenjeno z 2 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 18814002, pred 5 dneviSeit dem Update funktioniert das biometrische Entsperren der Firefox Erweiterung nicht mehr. Habe mehrfach versucht, sowohl Browser Add on als auch Desktopversion neu zu installieren, inkl. Löschen von Chronik und Firefoxspeicher. Nach Neuinstallation wird eine Fehlermeldung im Desktopprogramm angezeigt, dass ich nicht die aktuelle Add on Version habe. Es gibt nur eine Erweiterung im Add on store und ich hoffe, dass ich dort immer die aktuellste Version sehe. Die Einstellungen in der Desktopversion sind wie immer auf Biometrie eingestellt.
Since the update, the biometric unlocking of the Firefox extension no longer works. I have tried several times to reinstall both the browser add-on and the desktop version, including deleting the history and Firefox memory. After reinstallation, an error message is displayed in the desktop program that I do not have the current add on version. There is only one extension in the add on store and I hope that I always see the latest version there. The settings in the desktop version are set to biometrics as usual. - Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— VILin, pred 5 dnevi
- Ocenjeno z 2 od 5— 水貂, pred 5 dneviThe new UI is slow and laggy, take more steps to fill the password. Definitely less convenient than the old one.
Furthermore, those awkward R angles does not match Firefox at all. - Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— AndyR, pred 6 dnevi
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 18811298, pred 6 dnevi
- Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— Jordan Majd, pred 7 dneviNew UI takes more clicks; more copy pastes, more scrolls to get anything done
Used Bitwarden for years and it was my favorite password manager but the latest UI update is unbearable. I gave myself some time to get used to it and relearn the new user interface but I'm now searching for a new password manager
- more websites are failing to auto fill both passwords and credit cards
- you have to enable a setting in order to be able to easily fill passwords in an app focused on enabling passwords
- compact mode takes more space than normal mode used to resulting in more scrolling
- copying credit card info manually takes at least 6 more clicks because of how you need to filter types
- They changed selecting an item to view details instead of fill a password (they added a setting to change this - but if you enable it you are unable to easily edit items because you have to then click on a menu, click on a dropdown item to view the item, then click on edit to access edit)
- editing information takes more clicks than it used to - Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— JLo1167, pred 7 dneviLove Bitwarden simply because it adds an extra layer of protection to all of my devices. It gives me peace of mind knowing Bitwarden is storing my sensitive info, passwords, and passkeys securely in an encrypted vault. Being able to sync passwords across all of my devices with Bitwarden is a nice bonus as well. I 100% recommend Bitwarden.
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— IzNoGoUd1965, pred 7 dnevi
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 18809209, pred 7 dnevi
- Ocenjeno z 5 od 5— Uporabnik Firefoxa 18809179, pred 7 dneviIch nutze diesen Passwortmanager nun schon länger und bin zufrieden. Die Erweiterung ist nicht ganz so gut gelungen, wie die App, da sie auf dem Computer oft lange lädt und keine Biometrie unterstützt. Jedoch nutze ich das automatische Hinzufügen von Login-Daten.
- Ocenjeno z 1 od 5— Saimon, pred 8 dneviIt used to work so well but recent update broke my premium feature. Not the OTPT don't work. I have to install older version for it to work. I created a ticket with them but they don't know if it will ever get fixed.