História verzií LilyPond It!

3 verzie

Opatrne so starými verziami!

Tieto verzie sú zobrazené na ukážku a testovacie účely. Vždy by ste mali používať najnovšiu verziu tohto doplnku.

Verzia 2.4 19.4 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 2.0 - 17.0

Finally a new version has been released because thunderbird updated its mechanism for accessing preferences. The new version is due to these updates.

Verzia 2.3 18.0 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 2.0 - 31.*

The most important new feature is that error reports generated by LilyPond will now be displayed to the user so that he can correct his score snippets. Additionally, an error has been fixed that made compilation under Linux impossible.

Verzia 1.0 17.0 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 2.0 - 14.*