História verzií AddressBookTab

4 verzie

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Verzia 1.5 25.0 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 3.0 - 28.0

Fix bugs that appears since thunderbird 14.

Verzia 1.4.2 16.0 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 3.0 - 13.*

Thunderbird 5 compatibility

Verzia 1.4.1 15.0 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 3.0 - 3.2a1pre

Totally new code implementing a new type of tab for the address book.
More efficient and more protected against interaction with other add-ons.
Lots of new translation thanks to Babelzilla translators.
New icon (lots of complaints :))

Next upgrade : keep memory of open folders in address book tabs when restarting Thunderbird.

Verzia 1.3.2 12.0 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 3.0 - 3.2a1pre