Recenzie doplnku Simple Tab Groups
Simple Tab Groups Autor: Drive4ik
1 065 recenzií
- Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: elitesustenance, pred 4 dňami
- Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: NathanZPS, pred 5 dňami
- Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: GothGlamPrincess, pred 6 dňami
- Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: arvind_sai, pred 13 dňami
- Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: DavideF, pred 15 dňami
- Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: Tertiary, pred 19 dňamiWorks very well! I find that I can re-access my tab groups when I exit my Firefox window and reopen it. Pretty good for something that has not been updated in more than two years!
- Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: lxst, pred 20 dňami
- Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: flatus, pred mesiacom注意点として
これとは別の話だけどグループ設定から「このグループにタブが自動的に移動した場合そのタブを表示する」を有効にすると移動したウィンドウがアクティブになって使いやすい - Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: Eddie™, pred mesiacom
- Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: Mistermind, pred 2 mesiacmi
- Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: Qais Samaraa, pred 2 mesiacmi
- Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: Používateľ Firefoxu - 17393066, pred 2 mesiacmi
- Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: Používateľ Firefoxu - 15201003, pred 2 mesiacmiудалила последнюю вкладку сочетанием ctrl+w и он закрыл фаерфокс и все вкладки... их было 1к... как хорошо что такое уже случалось (там я восстанавливала через журнал фаерфокса, и через кнопку "восстановить недавно закрытые вкладки") и уже наученная опытом у меня был бэкап, двумя часами ранее от этого расширения. но как же я пересрала!
- Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: Mondag, pred 2 mesiacmiI have used this add-on for years and love it! Recently (I think since Firefox update 132.0.1) all the tabs keep deleting whenever the last tab of a group is closed. I hope this gets fixed, but for now there is a temporary workaround:
In about:config you can set `browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab` to `false`. (There is a better explanation on the github-issues page, under issue #1229 but I can't paste URLs here.) - Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: Tim Armstrong, pred 2 mesiacmiI can not express how useful this add-on has been to me. It is phenomenal to be able to group tabs according to what I'm working on and to swap between groups as needed. It's great for pausing a project and returning to it later.
So very, very good. I keep wanting to recommend it to friends who have 100 tabs open, but most are running chrome and it doesn't seem to have a similar add-on. Their loss!
Thank you Drive 4ik - Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: Кадочников Сергей, pred 2 mesiacmi
- Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: Používateľ Firefoxu - 18718948, pred 2 mesiacmiJust what I was looking for :)
- Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: Osman, pred 2 mesiacmi
- Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: Používateľ Firefoxu - 18709693, pred 2 mesiacmi
- Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: Používateľ Firefoxu - 18705088, pred 2 mesiacmiI found this to be the most intuitive for tab storage and management. No need to "stash" them or "bookmark" or "manage sessions". Tabs are just saved automatically in a group. You can have hundred of groups with a different name and switch between them with a click.
Assigning icon (emoji) to a group would be great. I know it's possible but not simple. First emoji in the group name should be auto assigned as the icon. - Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: Používateľ Firefoxu - 13198125, pred 3 mesiacmi
- Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: Rusty, pred 3 mesiacmiNot sure at what point this started happening, but I just noticed that every tab I have open is automatically bookmarked in a folder tree (under Simple Tab Groups, with sub folders for each group I have), and closing a tab doesn't delete the bookmark. I unchecked the option "Allow access to bookmarks" and deleted the created bookmarks.
With that being said, I love the add-on and appreciate the QoL improvements it brings to my internet. Can't imagine not having it at this point. - Hodnotenie: 5 z 5autor: Používateľ Firefoxu - 15977491, pred 3 mesiacmi