Popup Blocker Ultimate Autor: Mojtaba Daneshi
Dostupné pre Firefox pre Android™Dostupné pre Firefox pre Android™
Best Pop-up Blocker for Firefox. (Best in Rating, Performance, This addon does NOT collect user's data same as Poper Blocker)If your Firefox version is not 57+ please install version 8.1 from <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/2568c68827742149b62c57b4c5002f850acc8040f9a902b7d92f62e409dae280/https%3A//popupblocker.ir" rel="nofollow">Official website</a>.
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O tomto rozšírení
Popup Blocker Ultimate makes it easy to block pop-ups.
Support Desktop and Android
IMPORTANT: If your Firefox version is not 57+ please install 8.1 version from Official website
As you know, the default Firefox pop-up blocker cannot block all pop-ups, especially the ones which are triggered upon clicking. These tricky pop-ups can be annoying and waste precious time, effort and bandwidth.
Popup Blocker Ultimate is designed to identify and block these pop-ups.
Web Extension version:
Allow all:Through this method, Popup Blocker Ultimate will allow all popups to execute.
Block all:Through this method, Popup Blocker Ultimate will block all popups to execute. Be careful
Block all but whitelist:Through this method, Popup Blocker Ultimate will block all popups but whitelist.
Allow all but blacklist:Through this method, Popup Blocker Ultimate will allow all popups but blacklist.
Furthermore, you can white list specific websites if you wish so.
You can use '*' character in whitelisting and blacklisting domains (e.g., *.google.com).
Legacy version:
This add-on has two methods to prevent popups from showing up:
Strict: Through this method, Popup Blocker Ultimate will change the browser’s settings so that the browser can identify and block popups by itself.
Analyze: Using a Analyze approach, Popup Blocker Ultimate will first analyze a website’s codes and then block the identified popup sections.
While using Analyze method, you might encounter some irregular behavior in web pages which can be solved by white listing said web page.
Furthermore, you can white list or blacklist specific websites if you wish so.
If you have any suggestions or found bugs/errors, please feel free to contact us on MojtabaDaneshi@Gmail.com
We look forward to your feedback.
It doesn't collect your data same as Poper Blocker.
Happy Blocking!
Support Desktop and Android
IMPORTANT: If your Firefox version is not 57+ please install 8.1 version from Official website
As you know, the default Firefox pop-up blocker cannot block all pop-ups, especially the ones which are triggered upon clicking. These tricky pop-ups can be annoying and waste precious time, effort and bandwidth.
Popup Blocker Ultimate is designed to identify and block these pop-ups.
Web Extension version:
Allow all:Through this method, Popup Blocker Ultimate will allow all popups to execute.
Block all:Through this method, Popup Blocker Ultimate will block all popups to execute. Be careful
Block all but whitelist:Through this method, Popup Blocker Ultimate will block all popups but whitelist.
Allow all but blacklist:Through this method, Popup Blocker Ultimate will allow all popups but blacklist.
Furthermore, you can white list specific websites if you wish so.
You can use '*' character in whitelisting and blacklisting domains (e.g., *.google.com).
Legacy version:
This add-on has two methods to prevent popups from showing up:
Strict: Through this method, Popup Blocker Ultimate will change the browser’s settings so that the browser can identify and block popups by itself.
Analyze: Using a Analyze approach, Popup Blocker Ultimate will first analyze a website’s codes and then block the identified popup sections.
While using Analyze method, you might encounter some irregular behavior in web pages which can be solved by white listing said web page.
Furthermore, you can white list or blacklist specific websites if you wish so.
If you have any suggestions or found bugs/errors, please feel free to contact us on MojtabaDaneshi@Gmail.com
We look forward to your feedback.
It doesn't collect your data same as Poper Blocker.
Happy Blocking!
Komentáre vývojára
If your Firefox version is not 57+ please install 8.* versions from Official website.
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Podporte tohto vývojára
Vývojár tohto rozšírenia žiada o podporu v jeho vývoji zaslaním malého príspevku.
PovoleniaĎalšie informácie
Tento doplnok potrebuje:
- Čítať a upravovať nastavenia prehliadača
- Zobrazovať upozornenia
- Pristupovať ku kartám prehliadača
- Pristupovať k údajom pre všetky webové stránky
Ďalšie informácie
- Odkazy doplnku
- Verzia
- 11.3.1
- Veľkosť
- 41,73 kB
- Posledná aktualizácia
- pred rokom (3. nov 2023)
- Príbuzné kategórie
- Licencia
- Všetky práva vyhradené
- História verzií
- Značky
Pridať do kolekcie
Poznámky k vydaniu pre verziu 11.3.1
Update for the Android release.
Ďalšie rozšírenia od autora Mojtaba Daneshi
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- Doplnok zatiaľ nie je ohodnotený
- Doplnok zatiaľ nie je ohodnotený
- Doplnok zatiaľ nie je ohodnotený
- Doplnok zatiaľ nie je ohodnotený
- Doplnok zatiaľ nie je ohodnotený