Recenzie doplnku Local Filesystem Links
Local Filesystem Links Autor: austrALIENsun, AWolf
2 recenzie
- Hodnotenie: 2 z 5autor: stib , pred 7 rokmiDoesn't work any more, moreover it freezes pages randomly, even when it's not doing anything.
Odpoveď od vývojára
uverejnené pred 7 rokmiThanks for taking the time to report that there is an issue with this addon. Please note, that the Mozilla review system is not meant to be used to report technical issues, see Please use the support site on github to report bugs; not the review system.
Due to the new Firefox WebExtension API, there is something new, see addon description: "Starting with Firefox 57, the addon requires you to install an additional helper application. Otherwise the addon cannot function properly. The details are explained in a first-run dialog when you install the addon." - Hodnotenie: 2 z 5autor: Používateľ Firefoxu - 13696221, pred 7 rokmiWe use this add-on in Firefox in combination with links in Alfresco to a local file folder system based on Alfresco. In the previous edition of this add-on it worked fine. Starting from today a new version of this add-on was installed: 0.99.57. Now the links does not work any longer and we receive the message: Attempt to postMessage on disconnected port. Pleas check that you have installed the native app. See installation Guide in addon-bar menu.
We have installed the previous version of this add-on: 0.99.47 and now the links in alfresco are working again.
I hope that there will be a solution so that we can go over to the latest edition of this add-on and to the latest version of firefox. By the way: we have tested the latest version of this add-on in Firefox 57... and then it was also not working
frans gooskensOdpoveď od vývojára
uverejnené pred 7 rokmiThanks for taking the time to report a bug in the new version with your use case description. BUT: Please, do not use the addon's review page for such things. Also, giving a negative review because of a bug is not what the review system is for. Please consult for details. Please use the support link to report bugs and technical issues. If you like and if it is possible you could change the review.