Download with FlashGet Autor: Joe Ertaba
when activated, interrupts the built-in download manager to direct links to FlashGet
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O tomto rozšírení
This extension offers integration with FlashGet download manager. By default the toolbar icon is disabled. In this mode, downloads are handled by the internal download manager. Once the extension is enabled from the toolbar button (when the icon is colorful), then an observer is installed. This observer monitors new downloads and sends requests to FlashGet and cancels the built-in downloads. It is also possible to use right-click over links option to send links to FlashGet without installing the download observer.
1. For the extension to work you need to have FlashGet (version 1.7 or 1.9) installed; FlashGet https://filehippo.com/download_flashget/3229/
FlashGet 1.73 https://filehippo.com/download_flashget/1541/
2. FlashGet versions 3.x do not support command-line options and hence are not supported.
3. For the extension to be able to start FlashGet and communicate with it, a small native client is required. This native client can be found at https://github.com/belaviyo/native-client/releases. You will get the instruction on how to install this native client when extension tries to communicate for the first time.
For more info please visit:
1. For the extension to work you need to have FlashGet (version 1.7 or 1.9) installed; FlashGet https://filehippo.com/download_flashget/3229/
FlashGet 1.73 https://filehippo.com/download_flashget/1541/
2. FlashGet versions 3.x do not support command-line options and hence are not supported.
3. For the extension to be able to start FlashGet and communicate with it, a small native client is required. This native client can be found at https://github.com/belaviyo/native-client/releases. You will get the instruction on how to install this native client when extension tries to communicate for the first time.
For more info please visit:
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PovoleniaĎalšie informácie
Tento doplnok potrebuje:
- Vymieňať si správy s inými programami ako Firefox
- Sťahovať súbory a čítať a upravovať históriu stiahnutých súborov
- Zobrazovať upozornenia
Tento doplnok vás môže požiadať o:
- Pristupovať k údajom pre všetky webové stránky
Ďalšie informácie
- Odkazy doplnku
- Verzia
- 0.2.1
- Veľkosť
- 92,41 kB
- Posledná aktualizácia
- pred 2 rokmi (8. máj 2023)
- Príbuzné kategórie
- Licencia
- Mozilla Public License 2.0
- Zásady ochrany osobných údajov
- Prečítajte si Zásady ochrany osobných údajov pre tento doplnok
- História verzií
- Značky
Pridať do kolekcie
Poznámky k vydaniu pre verziu 0.2.1
1. Improves UX
2. Moves FF-version to the latest
2. Moves FF-version to the latest
Ďalšie rozšírenia od autora Joe Ertaba
- Doplnok zatiaľ nie je ohodnotený
- Doplnok zatiaľ nie je ohodnotený
- Doplnok zatiaľ nie je ohodnotený
- Doplnok zatiaľ nie je ohodnotený
- Doplnok zatiaľ nie je ohodnotený
- Doplnok zatiaľ nie je ohodnotený