História doplnku CookieBlock - 6 verzií
CookieBlock Autor: CookieBlock Team
História doplnku CookieBlock - 6 verzií
So starými verziami buďte opatrní! Tieto verzie sú zobrazené za účelom testovania a referencie.Vždy by ste mali používať najnovšiu verziu doplnku.
Najnovšia verzia
Verzia 1.1.0
Vydaná 4. aug 2022 - 3,76 MBFunguje s: firefox verzia 81.0 a novšia## Major Changes:
* Update the classifier model. The new model is trained on data gathered from approximately 52k websites in July 2022. This dataset should be more appropriate for current cookie structures.
* Introduce and update a large number of predefined cookie categories in the known_cookies.json file, fixing several websites with broken functionality.
* Add Spanish localization by 6ig6oy.
* Add Japanese localization by Shitennouji.
* Add Czech localization by Karel.
## Minor Changes:
* Fix display of default settings in setup page.
* Browser icon now changes to grayscale when cookie removal is paused.
* Make it possible to select and copy text in the extension pages.
* Add a button to categorize existing cookies to the popup.
* No longer autoclose the setup page when classifying existing cookies.
* Fix other minor issues in the extension UI.Zdrojový kód je k dispozícii v rámci licencie Licencia MIT
Stiahnuť Firefox a získať rozšírenieNa použitie tohto rozšírenia budete potrebovať FirefoxStaršie verzie
Verzia 1.0.0
Vydaná 15. mar 2022 - 2,48 MBFunguje s: firefox verzia 48.0 a novšiaUpdate extension to 1.0.0
- Fix several issues with broken websites
- Rewrote the descriptions of the options page, cookie config and first time setup.
- Made the layout of said pages more concise and fix some issues with them.
- Replace deprecated `extension.getURL()` calls.
- Fix placeholder list entry in cookie config, and other minor issues.Zdrojový kód je k dispozícii v rámci licencie Licencia MIT
Verzia 0.9.0
Vydaná 25. jún 2021 - 2,38 MBFunguje s: firefox verzia 48.0 a novšiaChanges:
* Add JSON path for predefined cookie categories.
* Check correctness for domain exceptions.
* Add a new options page to change cookie categories manually. Also allows deletion and restoring of cookies.
* Update classifier models to a more recent version
* Slightly better formatting.
* More known cookie categories to reduce website breakages.Zdrojový kód je k dispozícii v rámci licencie Licencia MIT
Verzia 0.8.2
Vydaná 7. máj 2021 - 2,36 MBFunguje s: firefox verzia 48.0 a novšiaVersion 0.8.2
- Add predefined class for consent cookies that were wrongly classified. This should allow the affected consent popups to stop appearing after interacting with them.
- Small changes to the popup size and text.Zdrojový kód je k dispozícii v rámci licencie Licencia MIT
Verzia 0.8.1
Vydaná 4. máj 2021 - 2,36 MBFunguje s: firefox verzia 48.0 a novšiaVersion 0.8.1
- Fix warning raised by Firefox validator regarding the cookie history JSON.
Version 0.8.0
- Overhauled the cookie history to use IndexedDB. This fixes a problem that caused the history to not work properly after prolonged usage.
- The statistics counters now display how many cookies are recorded in the history, rather than how many cookies have been encountered overall.
- Clicking on the statistics counters now displays the cookie history in JSON format.
- Add links to submit feedback and reports of broken websites within the options menu.
- Greatly improve the performance of the policy enforcement process. Handling a single cookie should now take less than 50ms on average.
- Improve wording of descriptions in the options and setup screen.
- Add some more known cookie exceptions to reduce website breakage.
- Lots of backend changes for stability, better error handling, etc.Zdrojový kód je k dispozícii v rámci licencie Licencia MIT
Verzia 0.7.1
Vydaná 28. apr 2021 - 2,35 MBFunguje s: firefox verzia 48.0 a novšiaZdrojový kód je k dispozícii v rámci licencie Licencia MIT