Blue Blocker Autor: Liquid Nitrogen
Blocks all Twitter Blue verified users on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/89048a1de851fa717a0c54daa357686619b6fb0d8f43598efc43a0e6aef42dcb/http%3A//twitter.com" rel="nofollow">twitter.com</a>
Na použitie tohto rozšírenia budete potrebovať Firefox
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O tomto rozšírení
Just install and say goodbye to all the paid blue checkmarks!
By default, Blue Blocker does not block users you follow or follow you who have purchased Twitter Blue. You can change this and other settings from the extension context menu found by clicking the extension icon in your browser's toolbar.
- Internal queue allows users to be blocked in the background without hitting twitter's API limits
- Avoid blocking celebs and influencers who were given Twitter Blue against their will
- Block anyone that promotes a tweet and supports this nightmare platform
- Change the speed users are blocked to avoid API limits
- Sync between tabs means that you can have dozens of tabs open without needing to worry
- Simple settings menu, skip blocking people you follow or even affiliates
- Feel bad about blocking? You can mute instead!
- Optional messages tell you who you've blocked and even allow you to unblock them- and flag them to not be blocked again
- Supports every major location tweets show up
- Search Results
- Tweet replies and threads
- For You and your home timeline
- User Pages
- Optionally also block users with NFT avatars
Endorsed by @dril!
Support or contribute to Blue Blocker's development on GitHub: https://github.com/kheina-com/Blue-Blocker
This addon uses your twitter/x cookies and headers to block users via the twitter/x API. View the privacy policy for more information.
By default, Blue Blocker does not block users you follow or follow you who have purchased Twitter Blue. You can change this and other settings from the extension context menu found by clicking the extension icon in your browser's toolbar.
- Internal queue allows users to be blocked in the background without hitting twitter's API limits
- Avoid blocking celebs and influencers who were given Twitter Blue against their will
- Block anyone that promotes a tweet and supports this nightmare platform
- Change the speed users are blocked to avoid API limits
- Sync between tabs means that you can have dozens of tabs open without needing to worry
- Simple settings menu, skip blocking people you follow or even affiliates
- Feel bad about blocking? You can mute instead!
- Optional messages tell you who you've blocked and even allow you to unblock them- and flag them to not be blocked again
- Supports every major location tweets show up
- Search Results
- Tweet replies and threads
- For You and your home timeline
- User Pages
- Optionally also block users with NFT avatars
Endorsed by @dril!
Support or contribute to Blue Blocker's development on GitHub: https://github.com/kheina-com/Blue-Blocker
This addon uses your twitter/x cookies and headers to block users via the twitter/x API. View the privacy policy for more information.
Komentáre vývojára
Please use the GitHub repo to report bugs: https://github.com/kheina-com/Blue-Blocker/issues
Ohodnoťte svoju skúsenosť
PovoleniaĎalšie informácie
Tento doplnok potrebuje:
- Ukladať neobmedzené množstvo údajov na strane klienta
- Pristupovať k vašim údajom webových stránok na doméne twitter.com
- Pristupovať k vašim údajom webových stránok na doméne x.com
- Pristupovať k údajom pre twitter.com
- Pristupovať k údajom pre x.com
Ďalšie informácie
- Odkazy doplnku
- Verzia
- 0.4.16
- Veľkosť
- 86,54 kB
- Posledná aktualizácia
- pred 16 dňami (22. jan 2025)
- Príbuzné kategórie
- Licencia
- Mozilla Public License 2.0
- Zásady ochrany osobných údajov
- Prečítajte si Zásady ochrany osobných údajov pre tento doplnok
- História verzií
- Značky
Pridať do kolekcie
Poznámky k vydaniu pre verziu 0.4.16
"What's Changed\r\n\r\n🚫 Bug fixes\r\n* Fixed a bug that caused spurious logging if ext_is_blue_verified was a falsy value\r\n\r\n\r\n**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/kheina-com/Blue-Blocker/compare/v0.4.15...v0.4.16"
Ďalšie rozšírenia od autora Liquid Nitrogen
- Doplnok zatiaľ nie je ohodnotený
- Doplnok zatiaľ nie je ohodnotený
- Doplnok zatiaľ nie je ohodnotený
- Doplnok zatiaľ nie je ohodnotený
- Doplnok zatiaľ nie je ohodnotený
- Doplnok zatiaľ nie je ohodnotený