google translate element
Automatically inserts Google Translate Element into the page. Translate the entire page without leaving page or opening a new tab.
පරිශ්රීලකයින් 9,116
Happy Right-Click 2
Enable Right-Click. Enable text copying.
පරිශ්රීලකයින් 3,973
QR Code
Generate QR Code from page URLs, link URLs, selected strings, clipboard strings, and page titles. Read the QR code from the image and decode it.
පරිශ්රීලකයින් 2,941
Video Screenshot
Take a screenshot of the video. Take a screenshot of the video being played on a <video> element such as YouTube, Twitter or Twitch.
පරිශ්රීලකයින් 1,182
Disable Tab Detach 2
Disable tab tearing. Prevents unintentionally detaching a tab from the window. When the tab is detached from the window, return it to the original position.
පරිශ්රීලකයින් 572
Twitter Misc
Miscellaneous functions related to Twitter (This add-on was formerly called Twitter Old UI)
පරිශ්රීලකයින් 526
Lock Tab Page
Lock the tab page so that clicking the link does not leave the page. Opens in a new tab when a link is clicked
පරිශ්රීලකයින් 456
History Auto Delete
Automatically delete the browsing history of the registered sites
පරිශ්රීලකයින් 313
LoadTabOnSelect 3
Stops loading the content of the tab opened in the background, such as by clicking the middle mouse button. Reduces the instantaneous peak CPU load and network load when opening many links at once. Other miscellaneous functions related to tabs.
පරිශ්රීලකයින් 220
Disable Tab Close
Automatically restore closed tab. Prevent accidental closing of tabs.
පරිශ්රීලකයින් 166