Audio Output Selector
Allows you to change the audio output device of <audio> and <video> elements. Requires media.setsinkid.enabled set to true in about:config!
2 890 пользователей
Previews (For TTV & YT)
Превью в реальном времени при наведении курсора на каналы на Twitch и YouTube | Куча улучшений качества жизни для TTV и YT
2 879 пользователей
Adaptive Tab Bar Colour
Changes the colour of Firefox tab bar to match the website theme.
2 857 пользователей
Imagus mod
С помощью простого наведения мыши вы можете увеличить и отобразить изображения / видео из ссылок. Теперь с меньшими разрешениями, большим количеством функций. (машинный перевод)
2 522 пользователя
Print for Firefox
Print the current page you see with one single click. And that for all kinds of photo printing, poster printing, brochure printer, newspaper printing, business cards and more.
2 237 пользователей
PronounDB is a browser extension that helps people know each other's pronouns easily and instantly. Whether hanging out on a Twitch chat, or on any of the supported platforms, PronounDB will make your life easier.
1 889 пользователей
alike03's Subscription Info on Steam
See on Steam if the game is currently available on any Subscription package like Xbox Game Pass PC & Console, Ubisoft+, EA Play or EA Play Pro.
1 689 пользователей
Twitch Enhancer
Extension that adds what is missing on Twitch.
1 658 пользователей
audioff - audio device selector
Select audio output device for each tab.
1 547 пользователей
Chatterino Native Host
Replaces the chat on with Chatterino.
1 481 пользователь
1 360 пользователей
Youtube mp3 & video downloader
Firefox extension to convert and download Youtube all videos for free in MP3 format.
1 292 пользователя
YouTube Video Easy Downloader
YouTube Video Easy Downloader lets you download YouTube videos up to 8K or convert them to audio—completely free and without a subscription. Download unlimited videos and audio in one click!
1 286 пользователей
ChatGPT-4 for Google & AI Image Generator
ChatGPT for Google, Bing includes AI Image Generator. Chat with ChatGPT when you search🔍 and Generate AI images.🖼️
1 114 пользователей
Keyboard & Mouse for Xbox xCloud
Play Xbox Cloud Gaming (xCloud) games with a keyboard and mouse.
1 102 пользователя
Tumblr — Публикация в Tumblr
Публикуйте в Tumblr прямо с панели инструментов браузера!
1 053 пользователя
AdDefender - AdBlocker
This extension blocks ads on websites to improve user experience.
1 017 пользователей
Video Screenshot
Take a screenshot of the video. Take a screenshot of the video being played on a
1 014 пользователей
Twitch Adblock (No-Pepe)
Blocks Ads on, without Pepes in the UI.
939 пользователей
Extension pour KarmineCorp
797 пользователей
Night Mode - Dark Theme
A universal dark theme. Night Mode is an extension that helps you quickly turn the screen (browser) to dark at night time. Toolbar button serves as an On & Off switch which enables you to easily and quickly turn the extension On or Off.
729 пользователей
Jump Cutter
Смотрите лекции в 1,5x быстрее — проматывает долгие паузы между предложениями
696 пользователей
Comet - Reddit Comments on YouTube & Webpages
View the Reddit comments of any YouTube video or web page.
690 пользователей
TTV Looking Glass
Simply generate links to other perspectives while watching Twitch clips and vods. Adds Express Vod to Twitch nav bar.
659 пользователей
Twitch Chat Overlay
Overlay the Twitch chat when watching a stream in fullscreen.
586 пользователей