Study Tools voor Magister
Study Tools brengt veel verbeteringen aan op Magister, Nederlands grootste elektronische leeromgeving. Kies aangepaste thema's, omzeil vervelende user interfaces en bereken gemakkelijk je cijfers.
809 пользователей
GitHub Dark Theme
A dark theme for all of GitHub based on Atom One Dark.Source Code: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
750 пользователей
History Cleaner (History Eraser)
Quickly delete/wipe your browser history for a defined period with one click
748 пользователей
Night Mode - Dark Theme
A universal dark theme. Night Mode is an extension that helps you quickly turn the screen (browser) to dark at night time. Toolbar button serves as an On & Off switch which enables you to easily and quickly turn the extension On or Off.
744 пользователя
Reddit on Youtube
Adds Reddit comments to Youtube videos!
735 пользователей
725 пользователей
Unclutter — Modern Reader Mode
Read, collect, and highlight articles with style.
712 пользователей
705 пользователей
Never gonna rickroll you, never gonna let you get rickrolled.
683 пользователя
Website and IP address blocker
Block Websites and IP address. Additional feature: Option to only block the homepage.
674 пользователя
667 пользователей
Magnifying Glass
Convert your mouse cursor to a high-quality magnifying glass
648 пользователей
Mute Tab
Full control of noisy tabs with keyboard shortcut support
637 пользователей
Old Twitter Layout (2024)
Возвращает старый интерфейс Твиттера с 2015.
631 пользователь
628 пользователей
Dark Mode
Turn on Dark Reader for every website. Easy on your eyes, use dark theme for night and daily browsing.
605 пользователей
[新版]Circle 阅读助手
The Circle reading assistant can extract the content from a webpage and reorganize it into a more readable interface. The reading assistant browser extension Circle, which is more powerful than Safari reading mode.
605 пользователей
Disable Twitter/X Trends
Hides trends on Twitter/X
597 пользователей
Classroom Dark Mode
Dark mode for Google Classroom
587 пользователей
Burp Proxy Switch Toggle Lite by ZishanAdThandar
Ethical Hackers|Bug Hunters|Pentesters|Cyber Security Researcher. Lightweight Burp Proxy switch. Note: Goto "about:addons" > "Extensions > Click on Burp >"Allow" "Run in Private Windows" #CyberSec #InfoSec #Hack #offsec
537 пользователей
Youtube to Mp3 Converter by
Adds a lightweight button below YouTube videos. This button converts the corresponding video of youtube to mp3 instantly when clicked! This is the fastest solution for youtube to mp3 converter.
534 пользователя
Keep you informed of the recent livestreams of members from Hololive.
530 пользователей
ThemeSong for YouTube Music™ (Dynamic Themes)
Enhancer for YouTube Music™. Dynamic Themes, Visualizers, Lyrics, Sleep Timer, and more!
515 пользователей
Rotate that Video Player
Improve your video experience by effortlessly rotating your video clips by 90, 180, or 270 degrees.
461 пользователь