Отзывы на Improve YouTube! (Open-Source for YouTube)
Improve YouTube! (Open-Source for YouTube) от code-for-charity, ImprovedTube
Отзывы Gemini62167
Оценено на 2 из 5
от Gemini62167, 2 месяца назадA fairly decent extension for YT except that it is losing some of the most desirable functions for some reason. The skip ad feature doesn't work at all no matter what option you choose.
I wouldn't mind the ads so much and let many of them play except for the fact that most of them are so ridiculous, it's like a video example of the kind of ads you find in the National Enquirer. They're utterly unbelievable (or should be), but for whatever reason it appears the same kind of marketing and advertising laws and regulations just don't seem to apply on the internet. You can claim just about anything or misrepresent, twist and bend truth with fact to confuse people into believing things with abandon. Its the same kind of tactics the consrevativce media has been using increasingly since the 1980s. It's been going on for two generations now and trying to point this out, prove fallacy with fact is impossible. And for this, I don't think I nor anyone else should be required to watch this nonsense, I don't care if it's how these videos are monetized or not. Lying and manipulation for the sake of selling product is not an excusable reason. Sorry, I'm one of the few that still believes in ethics in this society. And really, as far as YT is concerned, it wouldn't exist at all if people didn't upload videos to begin with, so I'm not one to fall on my knees in tears over the plight of YT not making enough money to keep its investors happy. They could all go f**k themselves.
To continue...
As for the functions of this extension that seemed to have ceased to work, the mixer section does not register any open tabs and thus does not work. And, should you reload your page you will have to hit the extension pinned to your toolbar to get it to begin functioning at all with those options that still work. Sad really. Because for what it is supposed to do, it offers much in a very compact and easy to use design.
I wouldn't mind the ads so much and let many of them play except for the fact that most of them are so ridiculous, it's like a video example of the kind of ads you find in the National Enquirer. They're utterly unbelievable (or should be), but for whatever reason it appears the same kind of marketing and advertising laws and regulations just don't seem to apply on the internet. You can claim just about anything or misrepresent, twist and bend truth with fact to confuse people into believing things with abandon. Its the same kind of tactics the consrevativce media has been using increasingly since the 1980s. It's been going on for two generations now and trying to point this out, prove fallacy with fact is impossible. And for this, I don't think I nor anyone else should be required to watch this nonsense, I don't care if it's how these videos are monetized or not. Lying and manipulation for the sake of selling product is not an excusable reason. Sorry, I'm one of the few that still believes in ethics in this society. And really, as far as YT is concerned, it wouldn't exist at all if people didn't upload videos to begin with, so I'm not one to fall on my knees in tears over the plight of YT not making enough money to keep its investors happy. They could all go f**k themselves.
To continue...
As for the functions of this extension that seemed to have ceased to work, the mixer section does not register any open tabs and thus does not work. And, should you reload your page you will have to hit the extension pinned to your toolbar to get it to begin functioning at all with those options that still work. Sad really. Because for what it is supposed to do, it offers much in a very compact and easy to use design.
Ответ разработчика
размещено месяц назадHi! :)
> you will have to hit the extension pinned to your toolbar to get it to begin functioning
in the current firefox you have to first allow extensions to run always.
you don't sound like giving this free public service less than 5 stars (what makes one greedy or believing in negative-motivation?)
Ads: the features hides all banners and tries to skip different version of the skip button it is just one in 200 features, not relevant, not unique and we might stop or separate it for legal clarity https://github.com/code-charity/youtube/issues/2751#issuecomment-2560581960 (read all by @improvedtube)
BTW currently a bug might disables a few more features unnecessarily and unfortunately firefox has not viewed the fix yet since December 29.
> you will have to hit the extension pinned to your toolbar to get it to begin functioning
in the current firefox you have to first allow extensions to run always.
you don't sound like giving this free public service less than 5 stars (what makes one greedy or believing in negative-motivation?)
Ads: the features hides all banners and tries to skip different version of the skip button it is just one in 200 features, not relevant, not unique and we might stop or separate it for legal clarity https://github.com/code-charity/youtube/issues/2751#issuecomment-2560581960 (read all by @improvedtube)
BTW currently a bug might disables a few more features unnecessarily and unfortunately firefox has not viewed the fix yet since December 29.